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Jackhammerd a Limbhanger


PMA Member
Well we pulled into hunting camp Thursday afternoon in hopes to get a evening hunt in. It was raining so hard i scraped that idea and decided to wait until morning. My dad and i jumped in the truck and headed for our hunting spot. On the way there i did the stupidest thing i have ever done. The river was out of it's banks and instead of turning around and losing 20 min i decided i could make it. Well we did survive but as you can see from the picture it wasn't very smart!

We got set up and it was real foggy, but the turkeys were gobbling. We were working a bird to our west when all of a sudden a gobble sounded off in front of us. I knew that the bird was in the pasture but could not see it due to the fog. Finally after a few more yelps i seen the bird, and the bird seen Pretty boy and started running right for him. At 30 yard he puffed up and was coming in on a string. My dad wanted to shoot but i made him wait until the bird wa 12 yards. He let him have it. I have never seen a bird fly back 10 yard after a shoot. The shell wad even him the bird in the head! /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif 7:20Am 1st bird down. Now it was my turn!

1.38 in hooks
10 in beard


My dad thougt that after he shoot he ruined the rest of the morning. He was wrong. 20 Min later the bird we were working to the west showed up. We worked this bird for 2hrs and i knew that he wanted nothing to do with pretty boy. He stayed 80 yards away the whole time all puffed up. All of a sudden a gobble sounded of right behind the blide. I knew he was close but could not see him. 20 min later no more gobbling and it had seemed the bird left. All of a sudden the bird to the west stuck his neck up and to off running the way he had came. I looked behind the blind and here comes the tom that was back there gobbling. In all my years hunting i have never seen a Toms head change colors like this one. He was changing from white to blue to red ever step. It was real cool! He came right in to pretty boy and the Jackhammer was on it's way. 9:30am and 2 big toms down.

1.25 in hooks
10.5 in beard
score 71



2 miles away a buddy of mine scored on another big limbhanger.

1.25 hooks
10 in beard.


After the first wet day.

Day 2. Set up on a new farm. Bearded hens are suppose to be rare. But we had 3 with 6in beard together in a group of 10 hens. Cory wanted one and he got her.

Saturday night TA set up in a rousting area and again shot a big limbhanger.

1.25 hooks
11in beard.


We had a great weekend. 5 out of 6 hunters got birds.
Nice work Derek, you guys really laid the smack down on them. Sounds like you and your dad had a great hunt on the double. congrats

THATS MY PARTNER!!! /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif Good gawd you guys got into some big birds!! Congrats!
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