Has anyone purchased the new Avian X jake to give some reviews?
The feather detail looks good in the pics and on their videos.
The posture seems to be the same as the upright hen.
Are the jake and the hens the same size? I didn't see any side by sides.
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risto2351 said:Cooter,
You mean to tell me that you do not have enough decoys already.
That's like asking if I have enough guns, bows, arrows, bullets, and money .........not possible
Mobile Cooter using IW
Saw the zinks next to dsd at scheels today, hens look similar but the Jake's do not in my opinion. Dsd is better.
I know the DSD will stand up to an accidental shooting not too sure the Avians would.
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Crockett said:What??????? You shoot your decoys!!! :thrwrck: Ya get all giddy, or what!!! Get with me(nothing sexual at all!!) We will do the brother -in- laws this spring!!!:way:
Liv4Rut said:The DSDS aren't bad to carry. I just sling them over the top of my blind. Don't even really know they are there.