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James' Buck - to shoot or not to shoot


PMA Member
Ya know, the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end when I watch this video and hear the echoing reminder from James on our priorities this season...

What I love about James is his humility to admit he probably should have waited on this shot. Maybe this lesson will help one person this season in making the right/ethical/smart decision to take a shot that will allow these animals an efficient death.

I think you'll enjoy these Michigan boys as they "get it done" in Iowa.

Enjoy the last Video of the Week "hunt." Next week is the final video and is our "hit list!" Again, you are NOT going to want to miss this thing!! :way:

James' Buck
Great video, I'm very impressed how James addressed the bad shot angle and how he should have waited.......a great lesson for us all!
Honestly we've probably all done it before and hate it when it happens but that's hunting sometimes. My best to date took a big step just as I released and the shot was terrible but thank the Lord for his mercy, we went out the next morning and found him.

A good lesson from this video and he was certainly honest about the shot. Very refreshing not to see it covered up with editing. Great video. :way:
Thats a great video Matt. Excellent description of the hit and I think that stuff doesn't get addressed enough-then the less experienced hunters think there is nothing wrong with that angle. Again, great job and thanks for sharing.
Hate to be a pest on this ,,but Gladiator, how old was that buck? Ya think.? It was a 10 pt fer sure, but not real thick, and body not all thar large. Just wondering.
Never a pest loneranger - great questions. This is great information to know as it helps to judge deer on the hoof.

This deer was only 3.5 - teeth were sent in. You can see it in the thinness of his rack...but racks are VERY deceiving to go by in aging...
Thanks..I was talking to a biologist and he said many coin the phrase,,"Mature", to describe their buck ,but in actuality, a mature buck is 5 1/2 to 6 1/2 yrs. Actually about 6 1/2. I have been calling 3 or 4 yr olds mature, but guess I will have to change that. Took me 5 yrs and over 100 hrs last season, to see the buck I did . Having it aged. Hope it was 4 yrs but standard now has risen.Wonder how long it will take me to see a 6 yr old?
Great footage, thanks for posting. I've been kinda slow to get pumped up this year but that vid got the juices going. :way:
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