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just a stupid question....

Wapsi Tree Rat

Well-Known Member
So I know I should be out there today with the cold snap trying to get that big buck that eluded me all season with 4 encounters and no shot, but instead I'm sitting in the heat sucking down coffee and watching the squirrels out the window. They are stealing food chasing each other around constantly. Just wondering, do all squirrels run the same speed?? None ever seem to get caught..... Anyone ever seen one get nabbed for a good shakedown? :) I did see one fall 30ft out of an oak tree one time. Very funny!
I don't guess I've ever seen one squirrel catch another, but I too have seen a couple fall and I literally laughed out loud both times.
I too have seen a squirrel eat it and fall to the ground. Pretty funny. My folks' dog caught one once; he killed it, but got bit and bloody all over his face and legs. He steers clear of them completely now. Lol. Stop drinking coffee and get after that buck now!
body slam 4.JPG body slam 4.JPG Nicknamed "Big Nuts" by his former victims, this crafty critter is no ordinary tree rat. At first look it appears he has mastered the typical body slam, but after closer inspection, this little beast has created a 180 degree reversal of the WWF maneuver, catching his opponent off guard every time. Brilliant. He has a record of 128-0
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