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Just for Fun Notes


With the bow season fast approaching, I was wondering how many people keep random sighting notes. I started a few years ago just to see how much time I waste :)

Feel free to share, here were my findings last year as I keep a broad yet clear easy to track statistics for myself, this was public/private combined may be interesting to seperate them out in the future. Also I can by hours sat instead of sits which may also be nice to know.

I spent 113 hours in a stand last season.

I saw 47 bucks (bigger than a spike is what I count as a buck)

I saw 7 bucks that I would of shot.

This is all timber hunting for reference.
I was wondering how many people keep random sighting notes. I started a few years ago just to see how much time I waste
Never had with the exception of one hunt in Illinois, notched buck and doe sightings that day on a tree in the edge of a very small patch in the middle of a field. Saw 21 buck that day and several dozen doe and watched a young buck breed a doe 10yrds from me. First time I heard a breeding bellow from a doe, wild and crazy.

I used to hunt practically every day of all the deer hunting season, learned that was a waste of time. Now I am very patient and select my hunting days carefully. I do not hunt until the 3rd week of October, pays off for me. I used to hunt hundreds of hours, now I'm usually tagged out after 5 or 6 hunts. Hunt smarter, not harder.

Good luck to you
Last fall archery, 6 sits, 30.5 hours, 12 bucks spotted, none I cared to arrow. I did draw back on one but passed due to a busted tine. I receive the Iowa Bowhunters survey and that is what started me tracking hunts.
I started with and continue to do it for the Iowa bowhunter survey. I only take detailed notes bowhunting before gun season. 21 hours, 11 bucks, 10 does. I also started keeping track of stand sat in, wind direction and temp.
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