...that everybody has a clue about transporting their game.... My wife and I were traveling east on I-80 last Friday(26th) afternoon. It was a rainy, 70 degrees,and we had just crossed into Illinois, from Iowa, when passing me, comes a Winnabago, pulling a Ford SUV. On the back of the SUV, is one of those metal carriers. Lo and behold, on the carrier, are two antelope, just the carcass's, gutted, strapped down, not covered.They were out there for God and everyone to see. Now the last time I checked,we do not have any antelope in eastern Iowa. So they had already traveled quite a bit,with another state yet to go. Even my wife says," That sure makes you hunters look good." It was a terrible,disrespectful,sight. Dont know what "their" plans were,but nothing on the antelope would have been good. I have seen better looking road kill. So folks, I guess we still have some educating to do. Sorry,I just had to vent.