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Kansas City bow kill...


Shed Head!!!
Look at this monster bow kill from KC.... Not sure who the lucky hunter is or what part of KC it was taken in....

Love the drops and the 3rd main beam....

I don't have much information on it yet, however, I am trying to find out more....


Hey Muddy...that's what Spike was going to look like in two years!

Man, that deer has some bone!
Man, look at the mass on that left beam, increduble!!!! That is one awesome looking buck...ooofda!
was this monster taken in an urban area of kc or was the hunter from kc? he is a dandy!! more details....
I'm impressed, heavy typical 8 point frame with good tine length, mass, a huge drop tine on one side & a second main beam on the other with two drops with Y's on each......WOW! He has it all!!!
Easton, It is my understanding that it was killed somewhere in the greater KC area. I hunt a piece of property in southwest KC.

I did find out a little more information, this guys brother (his first year bowhunting) killed a buck that grosses 172 as an 8 pointer. Both bucks were taken 14 hours and 1/2 mile apart!!!! Here is the picture....

picture of both bucks
Those are some awesome bucks

One of my hunting spots is in the KC suberbs. The bucks there have enough secure areas to hang out in to live a long time, that is if they can dodge the vehcles. Every year I've hunted it I see at least 1 buck, usually several, of the caliber in this thread. I have yet to connect on one of the really good ones, hopefully before this year is over.
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