Just back from Kansas earliy M/L hunt, I had a whitetail/mulie tag. Located this dude at sun-up Sunday am. Lost him in the fog that came out of nowhere, and stayed for an hour. When the fog cleared it was 8:30. I stayed in my double bull and glassed the sage for his rack figuring he would be bedded, I found him bedded up a 100 yards past the last sighting before the fog putting him at 300 yards. I put a stalk on him in the sage keeping a landmark on each side of him. The whole time I kept telling myself it was to early for the praire rattlers to be out, cause I had to ramrod one to death the afternoon before in the same sage. In the next hour I closed the distance to 55 yards, and waited for 2 more hours for him to stand, at 11:35 he rose and fell in his bed when my Savage muzzleloader reported. I was tickled. 23" 4x4 What a great way to start the season. This was a DYS hunt on public and some private ground.