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KVD Wins 2010 Bassmaster Classic


A Few Steps Ahead Of You
This guy is soooo good it is just flat hard to explain.

Kevin VanDam is the winningest bass pro in existance and its for good reason! He weighed in a three day total of 51-2 which took the trophy by 5 lbs!!!

We had the opportunity to interview him on numerous occasions and many of the other pros. Please follow this link to see them all 20 or so vids.

If you ever get a chance to attend this tournament, even as a spectator, you need to! It was a rockin' time, even tho we worked over 20 hours a day :grin:

I thought Lane was going to get him. VD is a stud! I was going to text you Sunday to see who was leading!
KVD does seem to be in a league of his own. I got to be a camera boat for ESPN last year when the Elites were in Fort Madison. My photographer and I spent a lot of time watching KVD. It was amazing watching him work a spinnerbait down the bank! The way he used his Power Poles was really cool. All the pros are really good, but KVD is awesome!
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