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Lady Bug Problem/Question? in Farm houses!


Staff member
Ok, so they are called Japanese beetles or something, whatever. They are all over in my farm house every spring and fall. They are in there THICK! Looks just like Lady Bugs except kinda more orange. They are EVERYWHERE and I've had it with them! :mad:

QUESTION- is there a residual insectiside I can spray along cracks and crevices where they get in? Can I spray something inside the house ALSO where they are getting in? What can I do and where can I get some insecticide? I have huge Power Washer I could even mix chemical in to spray by roof where they creep in. What do I need and where can I get it?!?!?
Don't know about Jap beetles but I buy a Spectracide product (believe it comes in 1 gal containers) from Lowes for a host of insects. Comes with a trigger type sprayer but 86 that and pour into a pump sprayer and do the whole house in under 10 minutes. Again, IDK if that'll work for what you're sayin.
Acephate which is labeled as Orthene, carbaryl which is labeled as Sevin, and several pyrethroids (bifenthrin, cyfluthrin, deltamethrin, lambda-cyhalothrin, or permethrin) should all work decent for adult beetles. Applications of imidacloprid, which is labeled as Merit or Admire generally need to be made 2.5 to 3 weeks before anticipated Japanese beetle adult activity. During the heavy adult activity periods, sprays may be needed every 5 to 10 days.
Personal recommendation (to kinda narrow down that list) I would go with Sevin or Merit. These are usually pretty effective, plus they will kill other insects as well.
To my knowledge, there isn't anything that selectively kills the Japanese beetle, so be careful. Just remember for safety's sake, what's harmful to insects is usually harmful to other animals as well.
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