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Lake of the Woods


PMA Member



Here are a few pics from my recent trip to the Lake of the Woods. The three days we fished were perfect weather for comfort, a little more wind would have probably helped the fishing. But all in all, we all caught good numbers of fish and several very nice sized walleyes too. My biggest were a 28 1/2", a 23 1/2" and a 20". Somehow a few pictures that I thought I had were not on the camera when I checked later, but I still had some good ones to come back with though.

I tried for a musky a few times and they were tight lipped, I did not hook one, but we caught about everything else there was to catch. All in all, a great trip, one that I would recommend to anyone.

Now it's time to store the fishing poles and start hunting!! :)
What part of LOW were you at? I was at Sioux Narrows Sept 18-20th and we had shot sleeve weather then too. LOts of walleyes but no muskies.
We stayed at the New Moon Lodge

What part of LOW were you at? I was at Sioux Narrows Sept 18-20th and we had shot sleeve weather then too. LOts of walleyes but no muskies.

that is actually out on the lake. You get there by going through Morson and then it is about a 25 minute boat ride heading mostly NW I think to get to the island that you stay on and then fish out of. We mostly headed NW out from the island each day too.

The big open water was then just west of us and we were normally within eyesight of the Canadian mainland to the north. Muskies were being caught until about a day before we got there, I think there was an algae bloom that clouded the water enough to slow the muskie action, but we did well on everything other than muskies. One of the guides had caught a 57", 52 pounder the week or two before we got there. Just seeing those pictures were impressive, I can't imagine what it would be like to actually catch one like that.
Daver sounds like you must have been in the Obabikon area. Grand Traverse bay would have been west which would make sense. By the way ther nearest Canadian "mainland" is over 50 miles from there. There are a lot of islands between you and the mainland. If you ever get to that area in the fall again. The big black crappies really stack up in Obabikon bay in October.

Daver sounds like you must have been in the Obabikon area. Grand Traverse bay would have been west which would make sense. By the way ther nearest Canadian "mainland" is over 50 miles from there. There are a lot of islands between you and the mainland. If you ever get to that area in the fall again. The big black crappies really stack up in Obabikon bay in October.

I am not sure of the names, but the island we stayed is represented as 12 miles NW of Morson, ON. I know there is a big bay to the east of there named Miles Bay, which has a strong crappie reputation, but we did not go that way from the island. We mainly went west from where we were staying, probably 2-5 miles by water.

Looking at an aerial map of what I thought the Indian guides said was the Canada mainland, it does actually look like a HUGE island itself. Sioux Narrows appears to be approximately 20 miles NE of where we were.
I know the area. Beautifl places and good fishing. Sure wish I could make one more trip this year but four trips to Canada in a year is about all I can finagle. The last one was a business trip... four hours of meetings and 2 1/2 days of fishing, all paid for. Need more of that.
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