Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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I have permission to hunt arond 500 acres about 5 miles north of Albia near hwy 5 . I know that is a Large area but wondering if area has older age deer or hunted hard. The property has about half crop the rest timber.
I have permission to hunt arond 500 acres about 5 miles north of Albia near hwy 5 . I know that is a Large area but wondering if area has older age deer or hunted hard. The property has about half crop the rest timber.
Well, considering that the current world record nontypical was shot close to there, I'm guessing there might be a little bit of hunting pressure. I could be wrong, though.
The area has both. Older aged deer and decent hunting pressure. But with 500 acres the impact from surrounding properties should be minimal. If there a lot of hunters on the same property then all bets are off. A lot of preopel would kill for access to that many acres in that part of the state.
I live about 7 miles north of Albia. Good deer tons of pressure where I hunt. Well tons of pressure in my opinion. I'm just jealous you found a place to hunt like that. I've lived here my whole life and have no where close to that size of a piece to hunt.
2013 season

Have the property the whole season i will be the only one hunting with permission. ha
Going to hunt oct 25 to last of nov. Or till i tag out.
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