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Landowner antlerless Tags


WI Shedhead

What does everyone think about giving antlerless tags to landowners to be used at anytime by anyone with a valid liscense as long as they are on thier property (Basically 1 party tag)?

This could be used instead of or in conjunction with the current landowner program.

On the farms I hunt the lanowner just grumbles at me when I tell him I can't use his "landowner" tags during the archery season. He does not hunt and would like to just give tags to who ever could use them to control his herd.

This obviously could not work under the current system as the abuse would be unbelievable.

I am a NR so I can't make much of an impact if this idea is accepted. Maybe thiers some DNR guys or IBA people out thier that can take the ball with this one. Blind Sow, what do you think?

WI Shedhead
I think implementing a system that put doe tags in Land Owners hands could be very effective. To over come the perceived or possible lost in revenue tie it to a required donation to the HUSH program. Farmers get tags they can fill personally or with the help of hunters that want access for other hunting opportunities or just for the fun of that hunt. Key here is empowering the Land Owners to make the decision to open their ground to a lot more hunting. How about a free two day hunt state wide, no limit, must take place on private property, does only and must be delivered to a locker participating in the HUSH program. There must be some very effective way to bring this off!
I personally feel that you should not have to designate the season you intend to fill the antlerless tag in. Just sell them until they are gone and let us fill them during any season (bow, shotgun, muzzleloader) I don't see the harm in this. I know of too many antlerless tags that didn't get filled this year, just because a season is over with (shotgun). Normally I get a bow and shotgun 2 tag. If I bought 3 antlerless tags also, I should be able to take those 3 deer during either bow or shotgun season. Doe is a Doe, no matter how it goes down, the point is to get it down.
...my guess is that the DNR is trying to spread out the pressure and hunters...the same reason they have the shotgun seasons split instead of one long one...
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