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Landowner tag question

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New Member
I've got a question I'm hoping someone here could answer. If you have two pieces of land in the same county that are not connected can you hunt either one with a landowner tag for the other. When I registered as a tenant landowner with the DNR it only asked me for the plot number for a single farm although I have two. Can I hunt the other with the same tag?
If you own both, I ASSUME you can use your tag on either BUT I could be wrong. I say this BECAUSE I had to give a property ID # & I had like 15 of them SO the person on the help line phone said "just pick one, ANY, doesn't matter". I'm sure someone else will chime in and you're doing right thing with homework (might be good to call DNR) BUT I "think" if you own it, you can shoot off of either places you own.
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