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Landowners and tags


Premium Platinum Member
If a landowner buys a statewide archery tag, can he still buy a landowner gun tag for any season?? thanks
I bought a landowner early muzzleloader license, a resident archery and a resident shotgun tag last year. A person just has to study the regs and figure out which season is best for you to buy your landowner tag.
I am thinking it has to be fourth season on the gun tag!??
I only do the bow thing anymore so I not up on the gun regs. I'm sure I had read that somewhere though!!
I am thinking it has to be fourth season on the gun tag!??
I only do the bow thing anymore so I not up on the gun regs. I'm sure I had read that somewhere though!!

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Sorry, just getting home from the Classic and obviously have deer on the brain! Should have paid more attention to the area you posted in.

Yeah, you can get a archery license and then a fourth season gun license for turkey.
ok so there is no loopholes for landowners??

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Well, it looks like landowners don't get more tags than residents, just one is free. See the last paragraph on page 37 of 2007 turkey regs.
HAHA. I want to give a buddy his best shot. But I got two tags to fill, and hunting with my dad comes first. Sorry Wags. Nice having this little conversation JNBRONC!! haha thanks!
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