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Landowners tag questions.


New Member
Just curious what tags I can get as a landowner? I know I can get up to 5, but I have lost the sheet that I used to have and the courthouse is closed until monday. Does anybody have a link to that sheet, or any info about archery landowners tags? I believe that I can get an anysex and a doe tag for archery, but I cannot remember.

From memory, you can get one anysex and up to 3, maybe 4 more antlerless archery.

Does your county have the late January antlerless? I think that trimmed one tag off the landowner if you are out of that zone.

This info should be at the DNR website in the regs.
I was looking, but I couldn't find it. I remember there being a sheet with columns of tags and each column said pick one from this column. I only plan on getting one buck and one doe for my land. Then I will get another buck to either fill here or elsewhere. I have a couple friends that I will be taking does for as well. Thanks for the information!
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