Thanks to everyone from this forum who has helped us by taking our survey!
Many of you may recognize me from posts at other forum sites. This is our last call for help with our survey and we wil likely close it within a week.
(for people who don't know - we are a small company in Kirkland WA working on a new hunting entertainment product)
We are nearing the end of our survey period but we're falling a bit short of the number of hunter responses we need for our survey, so if you know any friends who are hunters, please email them my link this week. It would be very much appreciated!!
To any who haven't taken the survey yet, please don't stop halfway through if you don't see your favorite rifle, animal, or location.
Please leave a comment in the text field of the last question letting us know what you wanted to see.
Many people have left great comments.
If you have any questions or concerns let me know.
It is an anonymous survey. We do not capture your IP address. And nothing gets submitted unless you click submit at the last question.
(moderators - i'm happy to answer all questions)
Thanks all!
Many of you may recognize me from posts at other forum sites. This is our last call for help with our survey and we wil likely close it within a week.
(for people who don't know - we are a small company in Kirkland WA working on a new hunting entertainment product)
We are nearing the end of our survey period but we're falling a bit short of the number of hunter responses we need for our survey, so if you know any friends who are hunters, please email them my link this week. It would be very much appreciated!!
To any who haven't taken the survey yet, please don't stop halfway through if you don't see your favorite rifle, animal, or location.
Please leave a comment in the text field of the last question letting us know what you wanted to see.
Many people have left great comments.
If you have any questions or concerns let me know.
It is an anonymous survey. We do not capture your IP address. And nothing gets submitted unless you click submit at the last question.
(moderators - i'm happy to answer all questions)
Thanks all!