Central Iowa
Life Member
Been a tough old turkey season for my son having close calls on a handful of long beards over the course of the season some were within range with no shots and others veered away just out of his range. He had been wanting to get one with his bow but being the last day of the season he decided he wanted to make meat and shot a Jake with his shotgun. He ended up having to do it off hand at a downhill angle a tough shot at 35 yards. I couldn’t see the bird from where I was sitting when he shot but I seen feathers fly and didn’t know what happened he seen he dumped the bird and he let out quite a bit of excitement and ran after him he was pumped, good times! We were hunting on a great farm of a friends (thanks bud!) and it was one of those days we will never forget and that you laugh about later. We left the cabin at 4:15 AM and when I opened the door a barn swallow flew in so that started the day on an exciting adventure to get rid of it, then as I was pulling through a field at my friends farm navigating by moon light the front left tire of the truck found a 3’ washout and I was stuck so we just hopped out and made it the rest of the way on foot. Oh back to the feathers flying turns out he shot the turkey in the head and because of the angle of the shot down hill he proceeded to blow all the feathers off it’s back out to its wings and to the tail feathers and amazingly there wasn’t a single pellet n it’s back it just looked pretty crazy see the picture.