PMA Member
After a very frustrating 4th season,I rolled over and hit the snooze button on Sun morn. The birds have been so uncooperative, I just couldn't make myself go. When I woke back up at 6 I decided to go burn off some r'up killed grass on a couple of new food plots. It was such a beautiful, still morning. At the last second I threw my 870, mask and camo shirt in the truck. I drove up to the first plot and got out, only to hear a gobble a couple hundred yards away over a hill. I grabbed my gun and crept up to the crest and saw 2 birds in full strut with some hens only 2o yds. away. I shot the first bird that turned my way. Total hunt time, 5 minutes. After all those "perfect setups" that didn't pan out, I walk out and kill one in my work clothes. Sometimes you just have to be out there I guess. 23lbs. 9 oz 1 1/8 and 1 1/16 11 5/8 beard