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last morning bird


PMA Member
After a very frustrating 4th season,I rolled over and hit the snooze button on Sun morn. The birds have been so uncooperative, I just couldn't make myself go. When I woke back up at 6 I decided to go burn off some r'up killed grass on a couple of new food plots. It was such a beautiful, still morning. At the last second I threw my 870, mask and camo shirt in the truck. I drove up to the first plot and got out, only to hear a gobble a couple hundred yards away over a hill. I grabbed my gun and crept up to the crest and saw 2 birds in full strut with some hens only 2o yds. away. I shot the first bird that turned my way. Total hunt time, 5 minutes. After all those "perfect setups" that didn't pan out, I walk out and kill one in my work clothes. Sometimes you just have to be out there I guess. 23lbs. 9 oz 1 1/8 and 1 1/16 11 5/8 beard
man i should done that, the last 2 times out they out by my truck when im coming out of the woods.
congrats on the big tom
Thats awesome...all the time you put into it and then it happens like that...kind of makes you feel cheated huh?
The first Spring bird I ever shot about ran me over as he came in screaming. Thought, this is so easy, where's the challenge?

Tag soup this year.

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