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Late corn

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I drew my zone 5 nr tag going to be hunting north of albia. I here corn is late and will be in the fields all bow season.Any thoughs.
Not to be smart but don't panic, still a lot of time! Corn doesn't look to be behind, I was just north of Albia today in Lovilia, and all corn seemed pretty normal. In that neck of the woods deer seem to love Rye over about anything... Just my 2 cents anyhow...
They usually say "knee high by 4th of July" and you're good to go.. pretty much everything around me, including late planted corn, is at least knee high and some of it looks to be chest-shoulder high already. There are different maturity dates for corn which farmers can plant by. As long as those dates were followed, I don't see harvest being any more prolonged than normal unless we have sub-par weather during harvest season. That being said, I like hunting edges of standing corn. It seems the deer like to move a little earlier with the added "cover".
They usually say "knee high by 4th of July" and you're good to go.. pretty much everything around me, including late planted corn, is at least knee high and some of it looks to be chest-shoulder high already. .

That was the saying back in the 50s :)
Anymore its usually tasseling by the 4th. The corn will be a little behind already but it wont be too bad. What really is going to have an affect on the crop/harvest is how Sept treats us. If it is a wet month then the corn will still stay in the field longer as the corn will be too wet for elevators to take.
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