Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Late muzzleloader buck


New Member
Shot him last Sunday hunting with some buddies on a farm i have never hunted before. Two other guys should have shot him but one wasn't ready when he jumped him and the second one's muzzleloader didn't go off. It is my best buck yet! Wasa very fun hunt with some good friends. I lost my head cause it was too close to scope! But the. scar will be worth it.
Will try to get some better pictures before I send it to get mounted.
wilwil said:
I lost my head cause it was too close to scope! But the. scar will be worth it.

Been there done that! I have a nice scar between my eyes from getting popped twice in the same place. I've upgrade to a Nikon omega (long eye relief) and have not had the issue happen again!
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