WI Shedhead
Can anyone answer these questions w/o contacting the DNR? I am looking at purchasing a nonresident "Holiday Tag" to hunt with a muzzleoader.
-Can you party hunt in the late muzzleloder season?
-What are Blaze orange requirements?Are they the same as the general gun season?
-In years past if you bought a small game liscense in dec it was good the whole next year. If I were to buy this tag I need a smal game liscense and since I have 1 preference point for a NR tag I should draw a tag next year. Will I be required to purchase another small game liscense and if not how do the liscensing contractor know I have already purchsed the small game liscense?
ANY help would be great guys!!! I have a farmer that is beging to get some does shot and I would like to get down there for a couple of dayd to help him out.
-Can you party hunt in the late muzzleloder season?
-What are Blaze orange requirements?Are they the same as the general gun season?
-In years past if you bought a small game liscense in dec it was good the whole next year. If I were to buy this tag I need a smal game liscense and since I have 1 preference point for a NR tag I should draw a tag next year. Will I be required to purchase another small game liscense and if not how do the liscensing contractor know I have already purchsed the small game liscense?
ANY help would be great guys!!! I have a farmer that is beging to get some does shot and I would like to get down there for a couple of dayd to help him out.