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Late Muzzleloader rules questions-HELP!!!!!


WI Shedhead

Can anyone answer these questions w/o contacting the DNR? I am looking at purchasing a nonresident "Holiday Tag" to hunt with a muzzleoader.

-Can you party hunt in the late muzzleloder season?

-What are Blaze orange requirements?Are they the same as the general gun season?

-In years past if you bought a small game liscense in dec it was good the whole next year. If I were to buy this tag I need a smal game liscense and since I have 1 preference point for a NR tag I should draw a tag next year. Will I be required to purchase another small game liscense and if not how do the liscensing contractor know I have already purchsed the small game liscense?

ANY help would be great guys!!! I have a farmer that is beging to get some does shot and I would like to get down there for a couple of dayd to help him out.

No, you cannot party hunt with a late muzzloader tag.

Yes, the hunter orange requirement is the same as for the shotgun season. Solid blaze orange vest is the minimum.

I think if you buy a small game license now it should be good from the day you buy it until January 10, 2005. Are you sure that you keep your preference point and does that county you want to hunt still have some tags to offer?
yeah, no party hunting late season. but that depends on your definition. you can hunt with a group of guys but you must shoot and tag your own deer.
In years before the requirement for the small game liscense for Nr's we used to come in dec and do some pheasent and coyote hunting and our liscenses were alsways goos for the whole next year. It was insentive to spread the hunting preassure and get peopl to come in December to do some huntin.

The deer liscense I'm refering to were on a post in this forum. It stated that ther are no designated zones for the tags and they are aloted on a whole state basis. I read there was 800 left and you had to hunt Dec24 to Jan 2. Bow, handgun or muzzleloder only.
The carryover of that small game liscense is a big deal because it would save me $80 next year!!!!

Blind Sow, Where are you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WI Shedhead
I am almost positive that if you buy your license now it will carry over to next year. I want to say Dec 15th is the change over date, but you would definately be fine by the 24th.

Good luck on your hunt.
Found out yesterday from the DNR that the small game liscense would carry over if purchased after dec 15. She said the liscense vendor would not be able to sell me another smaall game liscense next year as the system would not allow it. Preference points for NR are not affected. She said there were 725 anterless tags left state wide and 800 or so of the holiday liscenses left. Guess the pricetag was too much for most people.

Thanks for the help guys!!

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