Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Latest photo very interesting



I got my latest roll back from my trail timer, this was taken about a week and a half ago. It was the only buck photo on the roll, but the thing that struck me right away was this buck's resemblence to the first one I ever shot.


There's a rub on the right you can't see in this photo, they always hit that tree I wasn't sure if we'd get any photos off it or not, we got 2 other doe photos at this spot before it photographed the buck. Anyway, the thing that got me was the way the main beam curls in and up, I saw the buck I shot from almost the same angle as this, just the opposite side before I shot him, it looks incredibly similar to what I saw as that buck walked in front of me.


This is my first buck, the one in question, it's the opposite side in this photo, but you can see how the main beams curl up like the one in the photo and the similarity in the long tines.

I shot that buck in 2001, I just wonder if this is a deer my buck fathered before I shot him. The photo was taken only a hundred yards from where I shot the buck. I think they are definitely related, what do you guys think? Hopefully we can find this guy's sheds and compare them up close with my buck.
ill agree wiht ya very very close genitcs problle an off spring.. but he dosnt look that old... his genetics might b around that area
very kewl tho
nice post.i would agree with iowabuckhunter. definitely has the same genetics as your 2001 buck, but looks to me like to young of a deer to be his offspring.be a good buck to get next year or the year after and really compare.
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