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LC's first turkey

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2011 has be a very good year for my son. He took his first deer on Jan 10 and now he got his first turkey.

I have been saving a spot I just recently got permission to hunt. I know this spot is loaded with birds. My good friend also hunts it 2nd season so I decided to take LC (he doesnt want me to call him dinker any more) out third season. This is our 4th year of trying to get him a bird.

He was very easy to wake this morning. He was a little groggy at first but statred getting more excited by every minute.

We get to the woods before nautical twilight with no gobbling yet.

I take us to central spot of the woods and wait for the for the birds to start firing off. It didnt take long, birds were gobbling from every direction. None were that close but I figured we were in a good spot. I set up the decoys and we crawl into a small brush pile.

Plenty of of gobbles. I start calling when they hit the ground. At first nothing seem interested. But after a short time I heard birds getting closer.

Then two white heads pop up over the grass. I wisper here they come get ready. LC starts figgitting adjusting his facemask squirming around moving his legs trying to get set. I tell him hold still they will see you.

They come to 40yards working back and forth strutting and sticking thier heads up once and while and would fire off ocationally. All behind a pile of dead fall

Finally after some tense moments they start to work around the brush. LC starts moving trying to get into possition for the shot. I tell him stop moving they are going to see you.

They work into the open at 35yrds I say shoot him.

With a thunderous boom the game was over with the bird doing the death flop.

LC jumps up and goes after him. Know the bird is not going no where I just sit back and savor the moment and watch him get his bird.

He tells me dad I shot the one that wasn't strutting because I would have messed up all his tail feathers.

One of my very best days in the turkey woods to say the least.




He was very happy we could get it done early enough for him to make it to school on time..........ok maybe he wasn't:grin:
Yep he laided down an excellent shot I guess all the practice shooting birds in the back yard with the bb gun paid off.

I thought this was very strange the bird only weighed 16lb 11oz but he had 1in spurs that were very thick that looked like they had been broke off. They were not very sharp.

Is it possible that this was an older bird on his way down or was he this lite from a hard winter?
or was he this lite from a hard winter?

I called in a bird for a buddy last year that was the same way. 16 lbs, but an obvious 3 year old. I would guess its just from the winter, or he is just a smaller bird....

Great story and pics. Gotta love the smile. I'm sure he may have went to on to school, but I'm betting his mind was reliving that! Congrats to you both...

:way::way::way::way:......The good news is..That's the best day you'll have in the outdoors!!! The bad news is........ LC, seems to resemble you!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D:D That my friend is about as good as it gets!!!!!!!!:way::way::way:
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