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leased hunting ground

shedhunter8...I see you have only posted 3 times, and obviously haven't read many of the threads on leasing. Maybe you should do that before you go trolling around here. Just an idea for you. This usually is the stuff I see on the Bowsite.

Try to ignore Swanny..... I don't know what he is trying to accomplish with his remarks..... maybe he needs to take some time off from this forum. I certainly don't enjoy others sarcastic comments when I have a legitimate question.

You will probably figure out quickly that the topic of leasing is a very hot button to discuss amongst sportsmen. Iowa is just beginning to experience serious exposure to this method of acquiring hunting land. Some guys are ready to fight you just for mentioning the 'lease' word. I know a number of respected users of this forum that lease land..... funny thing is every time this topic comes up they always seem to be silent..... that is probably the wisest thing to do. Others don't like the idea of leasing, but can at least talk intelligently about the topic without getting all fired up.

To answer you question..... I know some guys who say that quality land can lease for $10 an acre or sometimes more. Most leasing in Iowa is going for much less than that..... and some quality properties are leased for a song. If you try to connect thru some sort of agent you will pay a much higher premium than if you try to locate a property on your own. I don't like the idea of leasing, but it is here to stay. Hopefully, the state DNR or some other organization will devise a wise way of producing quality access to private properties....... maybe some sort of private land access with a lottery drawing to limit the number of hunters per tract of land, etc ????
Cornfed...where is the sarcasm in my comment?! I am addressing an individual who is interested in leasing which, in my opinion, is ruining this sport. Not you. This type of crap is why hardly ANYONE goes to the bowsite anymore....lease this...lease that. The reason this sight has been so popular is because of the hunting stoies, pics, strategies shared, etc. Not because every other day some jabroni comes on here for the first time looking for a friggin lease. You want to pimp this sport to the highest bidder, go ahead. Doesn't mean I have to like it, accept, or keep my mouth shut because of someone who is unable to interperet the 3-4 sentences I wrote. Before you attack me cornpole, or whoever you are, get your sh!t together. We all got along on here til the lease subject comes up. TLH has addressed this in the past...perhaps you were not a member then. The less this volatile subject is discussed on here, the better everyone gets along. He wants to discuss leasing, he should go with all the other bowhunting whores on the bowsite. You want me off here, talk to Tony...otherwise, learn to accept others opinions...as we all are entitled to them here in this country...unless you want to lease that right away from us too.

......." learn to accept others opinions"...... sounds like you had better work on that one a little more.......

as for the rest of your comments..... your personal attacks show no class .......I will not waste my time or others.....
Swanny, don't hold back please tell us what you really think? While I agree with your intent and I probably get just as heated about it as you, however the fact is that the DNR does not see fit to make it illegal, In Iowa or any other state.

I haven't ever leased ground, but I have talked with many people that lease there ground in some of the best "Big Buck Areas" in the mid-west. I have heard anywhere from $5.00 to $8.00 an acre. I couldn't believe people can afford to pay that much! The average person can't! One of the farmers I had asked in Northern Missouri leased his land for $8.00 an acre. He owned a little over 3,000 acres. WOW!!!! Think about that, that is $24,000.00 a year for hunting turkey and deer! Guess who was leasing it???


In that same area of Northern Missouri you couldn't find a spot that wasn't leased! There isn't nothing wrong with leasing land, but most of us can't afford to do so. People like me are at the mercy of farmers that will let us hunt for free.

Everyone would love to have a chunk of land to control, but most of us can't afford it! It would be great though!
Unfortunately we are all not lucky enough to own or have access to private ground. This is the plain truth and if the farmer who lets you hunt on his property decides he would like to lease it, well all I can say is so long, or fork out the money and buy you're own ground.

Instead of directing all of your hatred toward the guy who wants to lease ground why don't you sit down with the farmers who are leasing the ground and tell them that you think they should stop leasing the ground "THEY" own.

By the way Mr. Swanny you really should learn how to have an intelligent conversation online. Judging by the way you tore into a couple of people on this particular subject, I'll bet you have trouble communicating with other folks too. Simma daawwwwn nnnow!!
Swanny, I thought the intent of this website is to provide a forum for deer hunters to share stories and discuss and debate various issues involving deer hunting. Leasing lands is a topic of interest to many and is heading in Iowa's direction, like it or not, and flaming people is not going to make it go away as you would like. It is not for you to decide which topics can and can not be discussed here.
Perhaps you and a few of your pals should start your own website and then you can decide which topics may be discussed.

Baby-G, you are correct that the average person is not financially able to lease a large tract on his own. Down south where hunting leases are very common, you will have one or two fellows lease small tracts of 100 acres or less and larger groups leasing the bigger tracts. This helps to keep the cost reasonable. Most guys can find a good lease to join for $500 or less per year that is not overrun with too many hunters. You get what you pay for. Most guys spend a lot more each year in buying new sporting equipment, so I guess it just depends on whether it is more important to buy a new bow or pay lease fees and have a good place to hunt.

There is no good formula for what a lease will run. Depends on how prevelent leasing is in the area. Depends on the habitat. 500 acres of huntable timber will cost more to lease than another 500 acre row crop farm, where only 50 acres is huntable. In areas with little leasing, you could probably lease for less than $5 per acre. In areas where everyone wants to lease, like Pike County, Illinois, the price goes way up. In many cases you pay a premium for the location, when lesser known areas that are just as good can be leased much cheaper.
Swanny, Yes I have only posted 3 times on this site and this will most likely be my last, Yes I was unaware of the lease debate but all I was trying to do was prepare myself for what is likely to happen in the near future. I am an Iowa resident looking to possibly lease the land I already hunt, I am not looking to lease anyone elses spots, by your respone you would think I was trying to lease the entire state. If you think you are going to hunt for free the rest of your life you better get ready to rub elbows with everyone on public ground. I dont like it any more than you but that is the way it is heading. I currently hunt 7 private farms for free, outfitters are moving in fast on the best 2 and it is only a matter of time before I either lose them or lease them. I find a lot of good info on this site, I am not trying to start anything negative.
This is touchy subject but it is a valid one that should be discussed on this site. Like shedhunter8, I was also curious about what kind of money was being thrown around for leases. I'm not looking for leases but it's coming down to the point where I might have to lease ground that has been in my family for over 50 years just to keep it for me and my daughter. On one section adjacent to mine, Buckmasters leased 1500 acres for $14,000. This type of stuff is becoming more prevalent and to ignore it is just plain foolish. It's just like listening to the radio; if you don't like it,don't respond.
We lost our best ground this year to a lease.It is in a part of the state that the enconomy is very poor,the landowner felt bad when they told us at the first of the season ,but said that they could not turn down the amount of money offered.The nephew rents the land for farming and is the one who set up lease,I just hope he is giving his aunt a fair deal and not lining his pockets.This land holds many B&C bucks and people know it.I to was one that thought it would not happen to us but you never know?
We lost our best ground this year to a lease.It is in a part of the state that the enconomy is very poor,the landowner felt bad when they told us at the first of the season ,but said that they could not turn down the amount of money offered.The nephew rents the land for farming and is the one who set up lease,I just hope he is giving his aunt a fair deal and not lining his pockets.This land holds many B&C bucks and people know it.I to was one that thought it would not happen to us but you never know?
Hunting is not important enough to me to sacrifice necessities to do. People want to lease, that is fine with me. When there are less hunters and the antis come in, you think we who are unable to afford to lease are going to give two squirts of p!ss if you get to hunt or not? Probably not. But that is the choice that everyone is making. I know things change, and when they change for the worse, I get the heck out. I am fortunate to get to hunt a couple pieces of propery that are friends of the family. When those are gone, I'm a quittin'.

I was stating a fact about the bowsite. It used to be a fun place to visit...but because of the constant leasing topics, residents don't even go there anymore. We just get tired of hearing about it. I think it is funny that the mentality of 'it's going to happen', etc. is what is prevalent. I assume that if animal husbandry is going to take the place of the real thing, then you better buy your sheep now cause 'it's going to happen'.

I never directed 'hatred' towards anyone. Cornpole did it first, then didn't like it when it got thrown back at him. Apparently you all want to kiss his ass and be 'PC' go ahead and be that way. I'm not going to be and could give a damn less if you like what I say or not. I think you all should re-read my first reply, then rethink your turt replies. I NEVER said anyone couldn't voice their opinions on here...you jaggoffs did. Reread, and rethink....if you are capable of doing that.
do farmers not realize that soon noone will be able to afford to hunt and the deer population will explode. all the farms i hunt on are happy to let me hunt because of "crop damage" the deer cause and im able to keep this land by helping a day of the year or sending a chrismas present. my 2 cents
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