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Left side dominant


PMA Member
I read an interesting article yesterday about how the left side of a deers rack seems to usually be a little bigger due to the way they tend to sleep. This was in a book on whitetails I am currently reading and is this guys belief, dont know if it is science fact or not. Says that deer tend to sleep on there right side with thier head curled toward thier body leaving the left antler a little lower inducing better blood flow hence a little bigger than the right. I guess he did some research in the record books and appro. 2 out of three showed this trait. I got to looking at my deer and pics and it seems alot are a tad bigger on left, especially browtine. Anyone ever heard this before.
No, but I can now envision a product or two coming to market that causes Mr. Big to lay on both sides of his body equally so he can grow even antlers. :D
Hmmm, the Buck that's on the top of my hit list has a bigger right side. The rest have bigger brows on the left but I don't know about which antler would score more.

The smaller buck to the far left has a bigger right antler, but the other one has a bigger left (notice his brow is bigger). This isn't the buck that's on the top of my hit list.

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This was in a book on whitetails I am currently reading and is this guys belief, dont know if it is science fact or not. Says that deer tend to sleep on there right side with thier head curled toward thier body leaving the left antler a little lower inducing better blood flow hence a little bigger than the right. I guess he did some research in the record books and appro. 2 out of three showed this trait. I got to looking at my deer and pics and it seems alot are a tad bigger on left, especially browtine.

Pure theory and conjecture. Looking in record books and finding that 66% of the record book bucks have this trait is in NO WAY credible (or any form of) science. Granted, its a theory (hypothesis) that can be tested with proper design, becoming scientific data (not necessarily scientific facts). As it stands, its his theory with no real data.

Sorry, I'm on a soapbox lately of "scientists" throwing theory and "science" around with absolutely no data to support their claims, yet making decisions based on it all. As long as this guy qualifies his statement at his theory with no real basis, no problem, but its definitely NOT any kind of science. I don't mean to shoot the messenger here, Blakesburg! You asked a valid question about a theory you read about. Good question!
hmm.. well if things that hang lower are bigger because of more bloodflow.. then I got the shaft... orrrrr lack there of
You have to really love them "experts" that come up with all this new stuff. Thats about the dumbest thing Ive ever heard, at least one of them anyway. If you've ever watched a wild deer try and sleep you will realize the guys "study" has no merit at all. Ive watched several mature bucks sleep and I dont believe any had their eyes closed for more then 5 seconds at a time. Certainly not any length of time that would support excess blood flow to one side or the other. Also, of the ones I can remember well, they were in a possition where the right antler was lower then the left when they rested their heads.

Lets try this instead, all deer are either right or left side dominate and will prefer a particular side over the other. I see it in my dog, Ive seen it in horses, I see it in rodeo bulls, I see it in fighting bulls. Im sure it is no different in whitetails.
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