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Legislator bound and determined:


Well-Known Member
That Penttigil Gal sure is determined to get more Non-Resident hunting in here isn't she? Think I got her name mispelled,,sorry.
Though she does not represent my district, her legislation will affect me and all other Iowa resident sportsmen. So, I sent her a letter.
......and quickly got one back explaining how we are throwing other severe State issues "under the bus" by not expanding the NR deer tags by 6000.

I don't think she can be convinced, but I do think she can be voted out.
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Does anyone have her number, I'd like to take her out for supper!:drink2:

disclosure: The above statement is a joke.
......and quickly got one back explaining how we are throwing other severe State issues "under the bus" by not expanding the NR deer tags by 6000.

I don't think she can be convinced, but I do think she can be voted out.

i mean, look at it from her standpoint. she's a state legislator. shes got the sagging economy to deal with, poverty, education, law enforcement, etc. appeasing a single minor issue lobbying group or two, especially for deer hunting, probably doesn't rate super high on the list of priorities. You guys would judge a legislator's performance based on keeping the same or less non-resident deer hunters out of the state? That really explains why some things in iowa are the way they are..
You guys would judge a legislator's performance based on keeping the same or less non-resident deer hunters out of the state? That really explains why some things in iowa are the way they are..

First, I take issue with using any of our natural resource items in general to solve other unrelated State issues.

Secondly, a legislator who apparently doesn't want to listen to the majority of her constituents on repetitive yearly issue. That tends to raise flags also.

For being the worst State ever, you sure whine a-lot about not being able to come here.
i shes got the sagging economy to deal with, poverty, education, law enforcement, etc. appeasing a single minor issue lobbying group or two, especially for deer hunting, probably doesn't rate super high on the list of priorities. QUOTE]

You misspoke I believe. It should say, " probably shouldn't rate high on the list of priorities." This should be one of the last things she should be worried about right now.
i mean, look at it from her standpoint. she's a state legislator. shes got the sagging economy to deal with, poverty, education, law enforcement, etc. appeasing a single minor issue lobbying group or two, especially for deer hunting, probably doesn't rate super high on the list of priorities. You guys would judge a legislator's performance based on keeping the same or less non-resident deer hunters out of the state? That really explains why some things in iowa are the way they are..

I would say a large percentage of the NR on this site agree that how Iowa deals with every aspect of the NR tags is central to how good or bad the states deer herd is.

Why is it that no matter how many user names you come up with, your argument is always centered around you. You hate Iowa's NR laws, but you want to hunt here every year. Get over it. Either move a couple miles west or live with a tag every 2 or 3 years.

Jeez.............some peoples kids.

Read this, from an informed and unselfish NR. http://www.iowawhitetailsforever.com/iwtf.nsf//pages/nonresidentview
so i'm uninformed if i disagree with your stance? of course the IWF is going to put that small NR view on tags on their website, they'd be foolish not to. They're a lobbying group. typical haves vs. have nots view. as i've said for a while, if you don't have land, buy it!
Maybe all of our legislators state and national should stop spending like druken sailors and they wouldn't have to keep trying to figure out how to squeeze evry penny they can out of all of us....this seems to be an issue in every state ( with two notable exceptions). While you may like more government fund raising schemes when they benefit you; you must realize that sooner or later you'll be on the receiving end of their lust for more money and you'll be facing loosing something you care about...AND WHEN YOU DO DON'T COME ON HERE TRYING TO FIND A SYMPATHETIC EAR!!!!!

I am a former non-resident who chose to move here and my family still lives in florida and as much as we enjoy hunting together, there are some years we can't...that's just the way it is. I can accept that and so can my brother and dad!!!
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so i'm uninformed if i disagree with your stance? of course the IWF is going to put that small NR view on tags on their website, they'd be foolish not to. They're a lobbying group. typical haves vs. have nots view. as i've said for a while, if you don't have land, buy it!
I own land in Iowa, and (unlike you) believe it's about the best state in the union! If you don't live here, and hate it so much; why are you hanging out on a forum dedicated to Iowa hunting, trapping, and fishing? Certainly you must have concerns on the condition of the deer herd in your own state?
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