Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Let's see your Favorite Trailcam Picture


Here's Mine.

I hope he's that big this year! I was extremely bored at work tonight and was having fun with photoshop. Here's the original picture and it is my favorite:

Heres mine.......

I like this picture, because it looks really cool even though it was cut off somewhat. My uncle had posted it on here, and the orginal picture is in my room hanging by picture of my first deer. It looks like a decoy, and its like a really nice fall picture, with the trees and sky in the back round.
Hi Pete. I'll throw mine in here too. He's not the biggest in the world, but i like the picture anyway. Only about 4 yards from the camera. I might even turn the flash down a little next time i use that spot again.

Taken with a homebrew P41 and Pix LE board.
Wow, Thats a really really neat picture. You have the bucks fighting and that really nice on in the back there. Awesome Picture!
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