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Liability Insurance??


Well-Known Member
For those of you who own a farm or property, do you carry some type of liability insurance? Keep in mind I'm talking about vacant hunting land. If someone trespasses which results in injury, can they lawfully sue and win!?
For those of you who own a farm or property, do you carry some type of liability insurance? Keep in mind I'm talking about vacant hunting land. If someone trespasses which results in injury, can they lawfully sue and win!?

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Yep they sure can, they can sue and win even if they have permission and you have a signed contract that you are not liable if they get hurt
. They can still turn around and sue you and win because you didnt disclose that certain hole that they stepped in and broke their ankle, get where I am going with this?

That is the only way to protect yourself is insurance, hate to say it.

I personally dont carry insurance on my farm but my isnt real prospective to trespassers at this point
Iowa Code LIMITS the liability of landowners who allow access to thier property for recreational purposes. Still, they are not completely immune to litigation and will have to hire an attorney to defend said suits. Iowa Code This website is kind of a pain, you have to click "next" below the text to continue to read whole document.
We do not carry insurance on our farm (vacant land - no structures). My insurance agent (State Farm) said my current homeowners policy covers it until I put a structure on the property.
Is there anyway in which hunter's can buy insurance on behalf of landowners to ease their concerns for this issue and have them be the named insured ?? Someone on this forum has got to be in the insurance industry.
There is not a way a hunter can "buy" insurance on land that they do not have an insurable interest in (don't own, rent etc). If you do have a formal hunting lease you may be able to purchase liability insurance on that ground but you need to check with your individual insurance carrier. If you need more info an this PM me.
What if the person is "trespassing". Can he or she attempt to sue for being injured on property they did not have permission to be on?
What if the person is "trespassing". Can he or she attempt to sue for being injured on property they did not have permission to be on?

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Sure! It has happened before. A person can sue for just about anything, whether they win or not is a different story. Then, winning isn't an all or nothing proposition. The landowner might be found to be at XX% at fault for having a well that the wooden cover rotted on and the trespasser fell through. You can bet the lawyers (on both sides) will want paid no matter the outcome of the case.

You can bet the lawyers (on both sides) will want paid no matter the outcome of the case.


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