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License question- Expired 1/10/15 but bobcat season is still open?


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Staff member
I was just looking at my hunting licenses and had this question...... Base license expired 1/10/15. I also purchase a fur harvester license that is just listed as a line item on the license.
1. Would a person technically need to purchase both a 2014 and 2015 fur harvester license to hunt one entire bobcat season? (If so, that is ridiculous)
2. Regulations clearly state one bobcat per season, but If I go buy a 2015 fur harvester can I harvest another cat? (I highly doubt that, but then why on earth end the license in the middle of the season??)

The license ending on 1/10 corresponds with deer season, but makes things unclear on other game. Kind of stupid.
I am sure you have, but just remember you have to sign that... if you would ever get checked, technically its illegal... (not trying to be internet police by any means)
Yep you need to buy new hunting license which will always expire 1-10 of any year. It was ways a pain when you had the late antlerless doe tags that ran till the end of January.
I am sure you have, but just remember you have to sign that... if you would ever get checked, technically its illegal... (not trying to be internet police by any means)

They used to make me sign it all the time, now I just do it.
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