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I am not one to complain about other hunters or even hunters bringing there kids. I think it is great to get kids involved but I am a little perplexed at this behavior. I am hunting private land that has a old logging road dividing property of the land I am on and there other peoples. I am set up about 50 yards off the road in one of my best areas. This afternoon I get settled in at 1:00. Saw a few does nothing in range. Around 4:00, I hear leaves rustling coming from the road. There is a man and 2 kids being loud and talking as loud as they could. I thought no big deal since I can't control what happens on the other property. But about 45 minutes later the kids come back by theirselves and are playing in the woods and having a heck of a time. This really upsets me that the man could not have shown the kids the right way to act in the woods. It ruined my evening hunt. Oh well there is always tommorow.
I have enjoyed this website for many years and never previously replied to topics, but have noticed a distressing tendency and feel compelled to express an opinion. First and foremost, in a farming community things do not always end at the property line. I grew up in Indiana, in a small farming community. We knew are neighbors, but didn't really socialize with them. If we saw them in town we said howdy or tipped our caps. If we passed them on the road we gave a brief wave and maybe a nod. When my dad fell off the barn, the neighbors brought food, helped with the harvest and expressed sympathy. Dad recovered and things went back to the way they were. When help was needed it was given, no requests were necessary. Respect though was critical, you didn't bad mouth the neighbors kids or dogs or the way he plowed or mowed or baled, because it was his land and he was entitled to do what he wanted. I have read alot of people's gripes on this site about how their hunting has been screwed this way or that way. Be aware unless you own the land you are just a very privileged guest of a very generous host. Be thankful for that and never do anything that might jeopardize the tenuous relationship between landowner and neighbor. The landowner daily has to deal with his neighbors, whether it be at church, the local elevator, sale barn or whatever. If you have a gripe mull it over several times in your mind if it really worthy to present to the landowner. Noisy kids, ATVs, someone hunting across the fence from your stand, are really pretty inconsequential tribulations when you look at the big picture. There are plenty of deer and a lot of days to hunt. Be a good ambassador and be thankful for the opportunities life presents.
Good point, but the folks who were hunting the adjacent land are not the owners and I have now found out that they didn't have permission to be there. I dont own the land but do work for the landowner, I too grew up on a farm and you are exactly right.
But about 45 minutes later the kids come back by theirselves and are playing in the woods and having a heck of a time. This really upsets me that the man could not have shown the kids the right way to act in the woods.

[/ QUOTE ]

i'm not trying to be an a$$hole, but i didn't know that there was a right way to act in the woods and a wrong way to act in the woods when you're a kid playing in the woods, doesn't really make sense.

anyways, don't know what to tell you in this situation, if you approach the man about his kids he'll pry be very offensive, so with that being said find another location even better!
A few days ago pretty much the same thing happened to me. It was about four o'clock and I hear the leaves start rusteling, I turn to see a man and his son (whom I had never seen before) walking near the river, they turned and went up the draw right where I was sitting and I stopped them and they said they were pushing for someone else. I didn't think anyone else had permission, but I am lucky to be hunting this land so I never said anything.
Split G3, If your a kid and you are wearing blaze orange. I believe you realize you are there to hunt and not play. Does this make sense to you? I have absolutely no problem with any kids my nephews are my pride and joy and yes I would be a little defensive myself. Like I said, was just a little frustrated.
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