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Little Help?

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Well-Known Member
I'm trying to figure out how to make this area into a bedding area. It didn't really work this year and I'm confused as of why...




We made a small food plot (1/2 an acre) with little success. I'm trying to figure this out so next year there's more deer on the property and not on the surrounding properties.
Over time you will imprint your deer to this area. Don't know about your rainfall but we were dry so not much in growth from weeds and brush. When did you hinge cut?
Hinge wider areas, leaving only the valuable trees standing. More sunlight to the ground will give you more explosive growth.

Are you only cutting along that line or everything inside of it? If just along the line, I would concentrate on more of a block than a long line. Pick out a few acres and really go to town on it. Think hard on placement, also... would hate to see you ruin a good stand or several because you gave them a good bedding area downwind from you!

Good luck!
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I hinge cut them early this last spring. The shouldn't mess with my stand and there's only 10 acres of immature trees here. I can only idineifiy the honey locusts. Other than that I'm kind of lost.
I see some elm still standing.(first pic, biggest one in front, right corner. Look for that bark on others. Generally those are weed trees and grow up in freshly disturbed soil. Those are good to hinge. Try to keep them from breaking to keep them alive. The deer seem to like to browse elm at my place. The honey locust I would cut low, tordon, and then pile to move deer along a path you want(if possible)

If there is any south facing slope,(it don't have to be a steep slope) hinge on that to get more sun to the ground to allow for more weed growth and sun to hit the bedded deer. The spots I have that fit this description are the places where the deer bed later in the fall and winter.
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