Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Live from the stand. 11/1/13


PMA Member
For funny bones I will try to bring a live hunt to all my fans tonight. But since I have no fans l will just post it for whoever is interested. I am sitting near a new plot for this year. We used the famed Dbltree rye/clover recipe and despite almost no rain on it after planting it looks pretty good now. (How does one get pictures from a phone to post here?)

I intend to set a couple of coon traps here tomorrow too. I did a little chumming here last weekend with some cat food and syrup and it is all gone now. I think I will go with a couple of dps with let's see...some cat food and syrup! (Insert sinister laugh here.)

I had one small fawn come through about a minute after I got in the tree...nothing else since. A corn field is getting picked about 200 yards away too. Maybe something will get flushed my way from, ahem, John Deere. :D

I can see a couple nice rubs in the timber and a good scrape. I did see a booner squirrel too...he better watch himself!
I have a solitary button buck about 18 yards away. We appear to have several orphan fawns this year. At least three it seems. I wonder if we had some ehd later in the summer...

I hope not. But it is peculiar to see multiple orphans.

The squirrel was not careful. But he was lucky and will live for another day.
A second is here now. They have both been staring down into the timber on the other side of the plot. Judging by their body posture...I think they see bigfoot. :D. I am not looking forward to the walk out tonight.
Sure glad it is you reporting live, as the only action here revolves around woodpeckers and hoot owls. Be very careful with Bigfoot I hear they get cranky right around the time the deer huntin starts heatin up

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Sure glad it is you reporting live, as the only action here revolves around woodpeckers and hoot owls. Be very careful with Bigfoot I hear they get cranky right around the time the deer huntin starts heatin up

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I think I will throw down some beef jerky and run! No deer here right now. I do hear turkeys about a 100 yards away. I sense that I may get to walk underneath them when i leave...always a fun time.

A little buck just chased a small doe out into the field. 6 pointer.
The buck is grunting always a nice sound to hear. The doe is at 22 yards...hmmm....no she lives on. Some definite but mild chasing going on.
A hawk flew through here a little while ago and took a swipe at a squirrel. Missed it...but I will take that as a sign that iowa will beat wisky tomorrow! :D
Stupid wind. Now getting snorted at. It is changing as I type. Can feel it on the back of my neck. Something shuffling in the leaves to my right...can't see it though.

I hate getting snorted at...getting down and out before I educate any others. Pretty night to be out...late shifting winds though not good.
Stupid wind. Now getting snorted at. It is changing as I type. Can feel it on the back of my neck. Something shuffling in the leaves to my right...can't see it though. I hate getting snorted at...getting down and out before I educate any others. Pretty night to be out...late shifting winds though not good.

Lol I have a motto of don't look up or snort. That happens and she dies!
saw 5 bucks tonight, one shooter which was chasing a doe, also saw a little buck chasing a doe, and the rest of the bucks all responded to grunts
That was great . My brother got video of a 140 and a 120 in a knock down drag out fight 30 yards in front of him tonight. ill have to get it to you.
Nice Daver!

I don't have cell phone reception in the areas I hunt, so pretty much not able to do this. I usually put my phone in "airplane mode" to save battery.
Killed a mature 10 after he bread and was tending a doe. Had 8 bucks total around me and he snort wheezed at 4 of them he put on the greatest show I've ever witnessed! He only left the doe to fight a 170 12 but I interrupted with a rage extremes.......
Killed a mature 10 after he bread and was tending a doe. Had 8 bucks total around me and he snort wheezed at 4 of them he put on the greatest show I've ever witnessed! He only left the doe to fight a 170 12 but I interrupted with a rage extremes.......
I want to see some harvest pics!!!
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