Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Live from the stand. Part 3. 11/4/13.


PMA Member
Well today's hunt is off to a bad start. The stand I was walking in to 30 minutes ago is not a good choice today now since my neighbor decided to fire up the chain saw right across the fenceline. Harumph. I then busted a couple of baldies out from underneath my alternate spot. So much for a stealthy entrance.

Deer are moving though and it is November. So you never know.

Ran the trapline this am and set a personal best...7, count em, 7 possums in one day! Although I am not sure the words "best" and "possums" belong in the same sentence. Nevertheless, I am a marsupial master if i dont say so myself. :D

Lots more people trapping the road ditches thsi year. Good for the bird populations imo.

More to follow...
Hope the evening gets better for ya. I'm set up in a blind on a pinch point with a lot of scrapes and rubs. I know there's one shooter on this 80 but trail cams are showing a lot of activity after dark. Might just be another evening of bird watching for me but ya never know. Good luck .
First update

Nothing happening yet. Should have busted out the decoy tonight for this spot. But I didn't anticipate sitting here though.

One thing I will about grinners v. coons...the grinners just lay there and take a nap until you get there. The coons tear up the set every time. My two day total fur take...4 coons and 11, not a misprint, 11 egg eating posses. :way:

Oh, one "other" too. Let's just say that Bonker would be envious of the "other" species. :D
Rattled at two bucks and they just ran away? Why do they do that? Does that mean it's to early to rattle around here?
Having a hard time connecting today...this may be my last post...we'll se.

Just had a doe gallop behind me. I thought surely something would be chasing her..but no...nothing seen on the buck front. I think we are in the phase whete the does do not want to be very visible in the fields because the bucks will be right there to harass them. Buck coming
That was a close one...the same 11 pointer I passed last night just walked 16 yards in front of me. Never knew I was there. I assume he was the pushing that doe earlier.

That is now 5 times we have let that buck walk inside of 20 yards. 2 times by me and 3 times by my son including 4 times from this stand. I think this might be his core area. :D

He was in the field the does seem to want to dtay back in cover more right now.

You never know in november.
Another buck just walked in close. I could hear him breathing as he sniffed a scrape about 8 yards away. He is still fiddling around about 15 yards behind me. I can hear grunting to my right. Different buck. Small 8 chasing a doe. Stuff is happening all around me now. Need something to come in here and kick these dinks out.

I can hear antlers clashing...could be one thrashing a tree or two sparring.
Lone fawn creeping past me out in front
I suspect its mom is getting chasef by the small 8. Well another buck just bumped her...grunting like a pig. I think it is the same one that came bye a few minutes ago. Deer all around me. Cannot believe nothing has snorted yet.

Seen at least three separate bucks maybe 5. Something just went running behind me.

I haven't even had a chance to eat my salted nut roll!!!!

Still looking for mr big....
The herd seems to have me now. I am going to get down and hopefully get out clean before they reappear.
Good enough day it sounds, Daver, gonna be at it all week? Funny thing is we saw more buck activity yesterday during the hurricane force winds, than today, calm and cool.
Back to work for a day or so, back in the timber soon though!

Small and medium bucks are definitely pushing does around right now. If I was hunting the next couple of days I would hunt where bucks will travel between doe groups. Does are nervous in fields it appears because bucks show up soon and chase them all over the place.
Sat this evening and a lot of action... Had a buck chasing a doe all around me but couldn't get a look at him. They left and came back twice. Also, as I was getting down, had two bucks locking horns behind me but it was to dark to see(first time I've ever heard this)...It's only going to get better! Get your back to the bark!!
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