Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Live from the stand. Part 5. 11/9/13. PM


PMA Member
Having trouble getting a connection. But we'll give it a go tonight and what happens. I set some traps on the way in this afternoon so I got in a little later than I should have. Have seen one measly fawn so far. But this is a spot that I probably won't see numbers from. But what I do see has a good chance of being what I want.

Both my son and I saw a coyote this am so I put out two traps for him and two dps for coon too.

Now then, I have not been in this stand since my son reset it this summer
I give him a D- for stand preparation. Stand creaks but I think I fixed that by peeing on the friction point. Hey, I didn't have any WD40 with me. But shooting lanes are marginal at best. I have a few tarzan maneuvers with a rope tied to my saw but have only improved things a little. It's too late to do much more now hopefully it doesn't bite me later.
Sorry for the aborted live report but I could not get a connection this evening. I had near constant action but all small bucks. There was some chasing but nothing wild. The biggest buck was an 80" 8 with a broken tine. Not exactly what I was hoping for.

I remained undetected until right at the end of shooting time when a couple of the does got downwind of me. We'll hit her again tomorrow afternoon. Hopefully some big ones start prowling around.
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