Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Live hunt - 11/9


PMA Member
Gonna try to do a somewhat live hunt today. I plan to be out for the duration. Got out and settled in about 45 minutes ago, just had a 1.5 year old 5 point and a button buck walk by me at about 5 yards. I'm sitting on a hilltop CRP edge that is a good travel route, but also gives me the ability to see a long ways in almost every direction. Hopefully I'll be able to at least see some nice bucks cruising and can work the magic with the calls. I think I hear what sounds like a couple of small bucks knocking heads over by where those two disappeared earlier.....
I'll update as I can or as is necessary. Good luck today everyone!
Really? I hate it. You can see a lot of ground but you are also easily seen! That's how it is for me. Too easy to skyline me in the dang fence row. Oh and when you go to draw, you have to be insanely stealth to stand and draw when the deer are out in the open like that. Unless they are distracted by some hot does. That is so nice when they are distracted....
Yeah there can be issues with setting yourself up on a hilltop. I do have some good tree cover right behind me so I'm not too worried in this setup. I've always been the kind that likes to be able to see a lot. Sometimes it works to my benefit, sometimes it doesn't.

I've seen two doe/fawn pairs and a small buck cruising the opposite hillside to my west. Seems odd that does would still have fawns with them right now....
INative said:
Really? I hate it. You can see a lot of ground but you are also easily seen! That's how it is for me. Too easy to skyline me in the dang fence row. Oh and when you go to draw, you have to be insanely stealth to stand and draw when the deer are out in the open like that. Unless they are distracted by some hot does. That is so nice when they are distracted....

But isnt that what hunting is all about? Being stealth and unseen.
Gundog - you nailed it. Extremely slow. I ended up moving to a different farm due to the changing wind conditions. Just got set up about 15 minutes ago and the wait is on. This stand sits in a 50 yards wide draw wull of brush and trees that runs between 2 nice timbers. The field that the draw is located in was beans this year. The typical evening routine here is deer feed out of the north timber and work their way south.

On another note, my brother almost got a chance at a 160" 10 yesterday. He and my dad farm together and were moving some round bales. My dad happened to see this buck working its way across a field directly at my parents house. My brother was nearby and got his bow and waited in a line of cedars 20 yards from my parents house. The buck walked up to the fenceline on the other side of the road and stopped for a minute. Just long enough for a car to go by which scared him back the other direction. So close.
1 squirrel and 1 spike so far this afternoon....long day. Still beats the heck outta work though! Hope to get a little more action as we pull into the evening here.
I finally got off work at 130 been in the stand for bout 2 hours seen 10 deer 7 bucks 1 good one chasing does across corn field.
Well the night ended on a good note at least. Last half hour had a doe and 2 year old 8 pt. Work their way towards me. The doe must have been somewhat hot cause the buck was definitely following her. He was wheezing, making clicks and grunting. Fun to watch at 40 yards. After 15 minutes or so a few more does and another buck came out 100 yards to my north and I could tell what the buck was through the trees so I decided to grunt and see what would happen. As soon as I grunted, the first buck (40 yards away) started hounding the doe like crazy, she eventually ran to the north towards the other deer which in turn got that other buck interested. The disappeared for a few minutes then eventually ran back down on the other side of me and around behind me. The 2nd buck ended up being an almost identical sized 8 as the first. All in all a pretty good day, slow mid-day but not bad other than that! Could have shot 5 different bucks, unfortunately they were all a minimum of 2 years from being shooters.
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