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Loblolly x Pitch


I was wandering if anybody has planted these in our area? They seem to be a real fast growing and hardy tree.

Wandering anybodys thought on these trees.
They are my fastest growing evergreen, well the one's that have lived. I would say marginally hardy in Iowa, and not as likely to survive in northern Iowa. -20s wiped out a lot of my young planting, but its worth planting to have a different pine.
They seem to do better against deer rubs than any of the other common pines, because they can start growing from dormant buds on the trunk below the rub. Unlike other pines that usually have one candle growth in spring, these keep going through the summer, on average three candle growths a season with normal rainfall.
I got some of this hybrid's parent, the pitch pine this year, so will see how that does, I figure will survive better in the winter, but slower growth.
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