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Locating Birds

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The birds have been really quiet the last few mornings (where I hunt). It has made it really hard to hunt. Wednesday a buddy and I sat for 15 hours in a blind. We sat up in 3 different places. Started on field edge, moved to open timber, and ended up in a meadow surrounded by timber until dark. We saw several hens, 1 jake, and heard a few toms gobble several hundred yards off throughout the day.

When locating birds on the move what are your thoughts on locating Toms?
Crow call, hen yelps, or something else?
I am by no means an expert turkey hunter but i always use hen yelps and it works for me. Only once have i got a gobbler to shock gobble during the day with a crow call.
I think it kind of varies on the birds mood.

I am no expert either but use both depending on the situation.

If you use a crow call usually they will stay put or at least know where they are at.

With a hen call they could still be coming to your call without gobbling and you might

bump him not even knowing he is coming in.

Good Luck.
I normally use an owl hooter or coyote howler in the mornings when theyre still on the roost, and just cut real loud and aggressive with a box any other time... sometimes it works sometimes it doesnt. I will say though that before flydown a coyote howler seems to get the most reaction. If I dont have the place Im hunting scouted and I'm going in blind I normally start with a few howls at the truck or close to it then switch to the owl hooter when Im trying to get closer just to keep them talking and not make them nervous about a yote in there bedroom. Ive tried the peacock or pileated woodpecker and crow calls and such but anytime after fly down if they arent already gobblin on there own I havent had much luck making one shock gobble, so I just start talking loud and slutty on the box call, cause its easy, and the sounds carries really far.
Like others have already said, yote howler early or late, hooter early or late and when im getting close during a run and gun daytime hunt if it's calm, crow call all day long. And I always keep my box call on hand too.

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