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Locked bucks


Active Member
These where mailed to me today. I understand that the deer on his feet was harvested by the land owner, who is pictured, somewhere near Salem, Iowa.



Those are very cool pics. Just as something for a discussion starter, how many guys would of shot the buck still alive? Not saying either is right or wrong, just a topic that I would think is worth discussing.

I think I would have to try and save the buck that is still alive; at least try and cut off his horns without getting myself killed.
cool pics. i would try to save the buck that is alive as well. probably have to call shredder and have him come up with some special k and put the buck down. carefully saw off his horns (so he would be more apt to make it to next season) and let him go.

of course, much easier said than done to get two bucks apart from each other.
It would not be a "glorified" harvest if that is the term you would use in my opinion. There would be essentially no skill involved in the harvest and I think that would make the hunt less satisfying. If the deer was in great or good condition, I would likely try to free him as safely as I could however, if the deer was in poor shape, I may end the suffering with a lethal shot. I guess you would have to evaluate each instance on a case by case basis.

Looking at the way it was harvested, it is late in the year (shotgun season) and with the deer being down from the rut and having been locked up a couple of days...this deer may have been in for a rough and deadly winter had he been freed and let go. This may have been the most humane things you could have done for the fella.

Good topic for discussion Fred
Exactly what Shredder stated. I would take no glory in a kill such as that, but it would set my mind to ease if I knew I was putting him out of misery or thought I was saving him from a lengthy drawn out death over the winter.
thats an awesome find for the hunter. Hard to say what I would do. I agree if the animal looked in poor shape, Id put him down. But what do you do if the animals in great shape? I doubt hes just gonna sit still while his most feared predator cuts his antlers off, and I promise you Im not walking away while the two of them are still locked up. Good topic guys, now you got me thinking(some may call that an accomplishment)
I'd of put him down if he looked like he wouldn't make it, other wise I'd try to save him buy sawing them off
Wow I wonder how long they were locked up. Its amazing he was still on his feet. Oh wait deer don't have feet. I hope the wrong person doesn't read this post.
Great pics IW. Bad situation that was more than likely going to get worse. It appears the buck that died first was quite a bit smaller than the buck the landowner shot, a lot like the two bucks I found a couple of springs back.

I would agree with the others here, it would depend on the condition of the buck. That would certainly not be the way I'd want to put my tag on a animal, however I remember a Primetime video from a couple of years ago where they used chainsaws...didn't look like that would be too easy of a task.

Is that two gunshot wounds?
Hmmm,les see.It is Dec.11th.Deer season.Glorified or not I would have done the same thing,shot the deer.Then I would have the two mounted locked together as found.JMO.
I think I would have tried to get him free from the other buck. I always hate to see that but it happens. I know people that have cut them off with a chain saw.
I would have to say that I would harvest him and be proud to have found such a rare treasure...
That's got to be a miserable way to go out. I think my first response would be for a quick kill too.

I can't imagine trying to wrestle them free. Unless someone had access to a tranq. gun or something.

I've seen locked bucks mounted - positioned in a room corner. I think I might have had to go that route too.
3 Ohio Bucks Found Dead - Locked Up

Not sure whether this image will show up, working off of an iPad, anyway, I got an e-mail from a state forester on 3 bucks found dead by drowning last fall, all 3 locked together. I posted it on my blog yesterday, and put the rest of the story up today.
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