Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Locked Up - 3 Ohio Bucks


Didn't want to take away from the Iowa Deer Classic but I thought this was a pretty cool story.

I guess I was suppose to start a new thread on this story, sorry for confusion, I got this Friday. Here is what I was sent by the Ohio DNR...


Every year I hear of locked bucks, usually that is two locked bucks not three. Crazy story, too long to post here so click on my blog to get the rest of the story http://www.whitetail-images.com Hope you enjoy!
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Broken Link

Geez I am rusty at this, I fixed the broken link, off to SE Iowa to shed hunt, better proof my post better. Have a great day!
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Thanks Cooter, it's hell to get old, I will figure this out someday. It's hard to believe I can actually check this on my phone in the timber in a heck of a bedding area. Anyway, back to walking.
Not sure about that, all I know is that I got the e-mail from an Iowa DNR Forester who received it from the Ohio DNR. I thought it was pretty cool, just thought I would share it.
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