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Logging Project coming up


Well-Known Member
I priced around between loggers a year ago. But I've heard murmurs of mills being short on logs.

So has anyone gotten any prices on Silver Maples per 1000 board feet? If so what are you seeing for prices.
I got a
Grade A
Grade B and
Pallet Wood and a
Long Haul Pallet wood price.
I have a contract but nothing is signed.

I would like to reintroduce more trees on my river bottom after we cut 100-120 trees. I'm thinking Swamp White Oak.
My question is, is there a place I could buy some Swamp White oak Acorns? I looked around online and couldn't find much.
Long haul pallet wood.... that's a new one on me. Curious what that means. Thanks.
I asked that question as well. The loggers I'm dealing with have their own mill. So I guess there's a quality of Pallet wood that they have to haul a long ways. Idk. I'm not a logger. Just a land owner looking to improve my property by taking out the Canopy.
You can get swamp white oak acorns from whitewater natives, but I believe you need to order them before fall. I believe they collect what they have orders for instead of just keeping a bunch on hand. I've ordered acorns from them the last 3 years and been happy.
I will put some guesses out. Just need to understand your deal with the loggers is stumpage price? This means all the harvest cost and trucking is on them. This would be a lower price than logs on the landing. Also need to know what scale they are using my guesses will be Scribner.
Grade A .45 BDFT
Grade B .30 BDFT
Pallet . .15 BDFT
Long haul. .09 BDFT I have never heard this.
These are really guesses as I don’t know where your farm is and where their mill is.
I hope you follow up with prices good luck.
Did u get multiple bids on that timber? The variation between bids is staggering in almost all cases. I’m guessing you know that and did that but worth mentioning.
I’d look at iowa dnr nursery. I can get a lot of trees & shrubs to work on lower ground. Another is pin oak for example. Pile of shrubs that would be nice too.
Prices I got were
Grade A .35/BF
Grade B .20/BF
Pallet Logs .10
Long haul Pallet .07

These are all standing prices. I'm not cutting, or hauling. Their doing all the work. I have 200-250 trees I could take. But probably only cut 120ish. I have some very big old growth that needs to go.

I've done some cutting myself already which has greatly improved my farm, but I want my bottom ground to be fortress.

I looked up prices on online on some Iowa Tree site, and the Prices they gave on silver maple were .30-.40BF.
Those look fair without seeing the trees. Still not exactly sure how your deal is structured. Normally the Trees are marked and then they bid on the Standing Timber = Stumpage. The fact that you are being paid on the different sort of the products make me think your Agreement is more of a grade and yield. There are a few things to think about in this arrangement. First if the tree cuts hollow it is simply left in the woods and they have their time in cutting it and you get nothing for that tree. Second is any tree that is cut wrong or just splits bad “it happens to everyone“is a cost to the landowner. My biggest concern is making sure the Grading is impartial and fair to the landowner. It’s also good to remember your goal is creating habitat not just making top dollar on a Timber sale. Keep posting any updates great opportunity for everyone to learn myself included.
My goal is to improve my farm. I want my farm for hunt big for it's size, It actually already hunts pretty big.(Pretty Amazing the amount of bucks live and are on the farm) My farm was a city park when I purchased the farm 4 years ago. I could see for hundreds of yards no problem. I've already picked out 2 areas, and clear cut the trees and let them lay. I can assure you it's not about the money, I could leave them all lay.

But the last time I was cutting I had a near miss with a tree, and I have the scar to prove it. So with my goals I have for the farm I think a good logging will be good for it. If I can make a few dollars on the way then so be it.

Edit to add. I'm not just taking the logs and leaving, I would like to introduce the Swamp White Oak on the farm(Currently there are no oaks on my farm) just massive old Silver maples. So intense to plant a few hundred Swamp White oaks to take their place). Along with the Hardwood Regen, it should make a good environment.
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