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Lone wolf batwing&ez hang used together?How?Ideas?



Is there any ideas on how to use the ez hang hooks while still using the batwing attached? I have seen a pic awhile ago where someone used steel cable crimped making loops but can't find the pics. Just wondering how that worked? Pics or Ideas
I have not had any troubles with the batwing and regular ez hang method. The older style of stand there may have been an issue but do not or have not had any with the newer lone wolf stands
Re: Lone wolf batwing&ez hang used together?How?Id

I can't find the picture of those hangers you're talking about. With the new Batwing you really don't need one though. Just leave your EZ hanger strap a bit loose and you can make it all work. Try it a few times at ground level first.
Re: Lone wolf batwing&ez hang used together?How?Id

The strap being a bit loose may be the key here. I had mine tight early this season and the stand must not have seated correctly. The stand slipped of the hook, luckily i had the two lower straps secured as well. I managed to stay in the stand but the buck in front of me took off. Next year i will have the HSS on in the stand.
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