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Lone Wolf Hang-on and sticks OR Hand Climber


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna bite the bullet and by a Lone Wolf. I carry their line in our store but need some advice. I looked around at a lot of my hunting locations in the past few weeks and figured out that there really is a lot of straight trees out there to climb. I was sure I was going to get the alpha hang-on and a set of sticks but now I'm looking at the hand climber. I've thought about it and I can always carry a few steps or something to get me in a crooked tree and then hang the climber. I'm going to be doing a lot of videotaping and I wanted something I could use to get into or close to my buddies sets.

My question is, in your opinion, do you think I will regret not having just the hang on and some sticks.

Either way I'm sure I'll be satisfied but I just thought I'd ask.
Weasel and I spent 8 straight days in a tree together and had 4 sticks and two hang ons and a camera. There is no way we could have got in a couple of spots with a climber. I am going to say for versatility your hang-on and sticks are your best bet. The hand climber would be second choice for me... Either way the Lone Wolf is the right choice...
I've hunted out of climbers and hang on stands, I will say I prefer hang on stands with the sticks. I can get into exactly what tree I want with MINIMAL trimming. Climbers are nice but you have to pick and choose where you go, the sticks and hang on are just that much more versatile.
Went up a shagbark hickory this morning with my Summit Cobra. Never again! I like my climber but other than the hickorys there isnt alot of straight trees in my neck of the woods. Not to the height I want anyway. That thing was slipping and sliding all over the place, plus you have to guesstimate the proper angle at stand height, they are noisier, etc. On top of that I do not feel nearly as secure in a climber as I do a good hang-on.
The only advantage I can really think of to a climber (in Iowa timbers) is this: Often I'll put up a hang on and then leave it thinking I'll hunt it the next day or two. Then the wind doesnt work for that spot and my stand is way out there swinging in the breeze when I need it elsewhere. You cant leave without your climber unless you jump!
Shagbark hickory = BAD with any stand!
On the positive side, SOOO many funny stories begin with

"Well, first off I tried setting up in a shagbark..."
The hang on is more versatile however I don't know if I have been in a tree with the hang on that you couldn't get up with a climber. I still think a climber is a bit more safe as far as getting up the tree. Don't get me wrong the hang on's are sturdy as all get out but I could see an accident while getting everything setup properly. Both great options tough decision. You probably won't be disappointed either way you go. One thing I think about is if you have a stand out already and you want to get another person in on the setup to video a hang on is easy to set in the same tree where a climber you would need another good tree close by.
We have at times carried the climber up and just hung it above the hang-on. We usually turn the climber to one side so you are not directly above your partner.
I hear ya Muddy. I have taken bucks from shagbarks before but those things suck!
I tried to screw my realtree bow hanger into the hickory, forget it, I'd have had better luck screwing it into my concrete driveway...
Thanks for the replies. I'm going to go with the hang-on and the sticks and my bro is going to buy the climber. That solves it. But I want it NOW and I called Lone Wolf today and they said the assaults won't be around till next season and the alpha's are out too. He said to try next Wednesday so hopefully we can order a few for the store. I just keep sitting here and looking at the climber hanging in the shop but I think I can hold off for a week or two. I've already gotten my buck but now I'm after the does, Lots Of Them... I WILL be hunting out of a lone wolf for late muzzleloader season for sure...

Thanks again I was a day away from buying the climber... And don't be getting any ideas and calling lone wolf bright and early wed. morning and ordering them all up on me.
Be sure to get 2 or 3 strap extensions also. They are worth a million bucks when you need them but only cost $5. Nothing worse than unpacking and trimming shooting lanes just to find your sticks wont fit around the tree.
It all arrived today. The alpha hang-on, 4 steps, bow grommet, and an extra hang on hook. Now I just can't wait to use it. My birthday's in December so it was easy to justify. It's my birthday and christmas present to myself.

Oh I'm not sure where I read it but was somebody talking about filling the sticks with something. If I recall it was the Good Stuff or Great stuff. I'm not sure but if someone could verify I would appreciate it. Thanks for all the info guys.
That is correct. I used Great Stuff with success. The only other thing I would suggest is:

1. Be careful when you take the ends off.

2. seal the hole on the back of the stick where the versa button seats together with the other stick. It is messy and the longer the tube you can get on the can the better. Make one if you have to and shove it as far in the stick as possible.

This does help reduce the noise.
Not enough that I noticed. It takes the "ping" out of the metal... Kinda like a softball bat with a raquet ball in the end (not that I would know anything about that...
). I also took some textured paint gave it two coats and then hit it with one coat of brown.
I'm going to be doing a major paint job on the Lone Wolfs and sticks this Summer. The cast aluminum silver really sticks out in the timber this time of year. Love them, just think I'll add a custom paint job.
Awesome Rudd! You did such a great job I will just mail all mine to you at the end of the season!

Seriously, where did you get the shoulder straps?
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