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Looking for info on Iowa public hunting


New Member
Morning all, new poster here. My name is Bill Drain, and I'm a 32 year old hunter (among other things, husband, father, etc :))from Maryland. I live in a town called Stevensville, which is on an island on the Eastern shore, hence my user name, esmd.

I had been planning on a trip out West in 2009 or 2010 for an outfitted pronghorn/muley combo hunt, but (get ready to revoke my manhood now), I'm having a hard time justifying to the wife me spending around $5000 ($3650 for the outfitter, $600 for licenses, airfare/gas, tips for guides, etc) on a hunt.

So, I got to thinking about a DIY rut bowhunt to Iowa in either 2009 or 2010, depending on when I can get drawn. I'm comfortable with a DIY whitetail hunt, since I know how to scout and such, versus being lost hunting pronghorn and muley's. So that'll be a lot less cost right there, and the wife has signed off on it.

So my question to you gentlemen (and ladies) is, do any of you have any info on what public lands to check out? I was thinking Southern Iowa, I was looking at the Stephens State Forest, near Unionville, IA, which consists of two areas, the Unionville/Soap Creek wildlife area (519 ac) and the Unionville South wildlife area (1879 ac). It looks like the closest hotels are 15 miles away in Centerville, IA.

I'm thinking if I partner up with someone (either from my hunting club or from a Maryland deer hunting board) to split the hotel and gas ($550 total/2 for the hotel, around $500 gas out and back/2), that coupled with food, license, and miscellaneous stuff, it'll be about $1000 each. Add deer processing and taxidermy to that if things go well.

Anyone have any knowledge of those WMA's, or any others you'd like to share? I figure if I buy a point this year, I've got a decent shot of getting drawn for '09, and a definite draw by '10. Also, a late winter/early spring scouting trip for at least a long w/e would be a necessity, so I'm thinking about heading out there early next year to see what's what.

Thoughts? Suggestions? Opinions? Help me get this off the drawing board, fella's.
I have never bought the Sportsman's Atlas but have heard people swear by them. It lists all public land, with maps.

Once you get that, you might want to look at topos. Google Earth, terraserver and many other websites can be used for topos.

I think you should do alright.
If I was a nonresident wanting to bowhunt and do a self guided hunt in IA, I would bring a small john boat and use the public rivers to access public land that very few people bother to access. The Army corps for example owns most of the land on the des moines river and it is accessible for the most part only by boat. Most locals have easier access to private ground and are too lazy to hunt these waterways. I have a friend that only hunts this way in IA and he kills some monsters this way. I would make a spike camp on the river and hunt out of it for a truly cool hunt. Check with army corps of engineers for all rules on camping. Near the town of Boone are several boat ramps and hotels are plentiful there if camping is not your gig.
I wouldn't count on every place being like that. River hunting access gets pounded in most areas I've been.
The unionville soap creek area is good. I hunted it really hard when I did my coop down there at Cargill. I Don't hunt there anymore but could help you out. Its a really good area and I could tell you exactly what ridge to sit on and youd kill a good one. I saw one of the biggest 8 pointers in my life in that block that I know would make the 170 inch mark.
Thanks for the offer, I may just take you up on it when the time comes. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

Another question, is that area in Zone 5 or 6? I thought it was 6, but I was talking to a fellow earlier who's familiar with the area, and he said he thought it was zone 5. He seemed to think that I could get drawn in 5 with just one point, whereas he said I'd probably need two points to get drawn in 6.
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