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Looking for information for bowhunting in unit 10




My first post here. I'll start by saying that I'm a non resident who, by the family of a friend, has been given permission to bowhunt a farm in the Waverly (unit 10) area.

Although I haven't seen the property yet, I hope to make a scouting trip this summer.

I just read the "non resident tags" post. I know it only takes a few bad apples to spoil the whole barrel but not all of us non residents are bad. I appreciate the opportunity I've been given and look forward not only to bowhunting but meeting a few Iowa bowhunters during my stay.

Of course, drawing a tag is the big hurdle. Only 70 NR bow tags for unit 10.

In my state of NY our bowseason opens 10/15 so if I'm drawn I would like to plan an early October trip.

What's the weather like at this time of the year?

Where do you consentrate your efforts during the early part of the season?

Thanks in advance. Don't beat the NR

The Waverly area I would say is not in the hot bed of Iowa deer hunting, but I am sure any part of the state can offer great hunting especially along some of the larger waterways. Use the satellite map link on the home page to get an idea as to foliage and cover where you'll be hunting. You can also get topo maps from the same site. That should point out hog back and ridges to watch.

Early Oct the weather can require a clothing range from long sleeve t-shirt to a few light layers and light gloves. Rarely will more clothing be required.

If you hunt before the October lull stick with the field edges close to good food sources such as beans and alfalfa.

I hope you get drawn and enjoy your hunt in our great state.
Unit 10 is pretty mcuh flat open country form what i have seen. It does not get near the attention as some of the other more popular units and b/c of this it is a bit easier to draw. If i were you i would locate a good water way that has some good cover and plan on coming in early Nov. I have a few friends who hunbt this area almost every year and they saeem to do well. But cover is few and far between from what i can tell. Good luck and welcome to Iowa whitetail.
Why not come out here the end of Oct.-beg Nov.? You went to the trouble of getting a tag. You might as well give yourself the best chance at a nice one. Early season can be tough....with the corn in, it is usually still fairly warm at least half the time then. I think you might be disappointed if you come out that early.
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