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Looking for short phrase for gun cabinet


PMA Member
Alright, I am about 75% of the way through making a new gun cabinet for myself out of weathered barn board. I am in need of some ideas on one part. Pretty much the entire cabinet will be old red siding, but I have one gray "header" above the door that is from a cedar pole that was in the barn. I want to use this section to write a phrase of some sort on. Short and sweet. the cedar piece is only 3.5" high x 20" wide, so there is not a lot of room to play with. I am leaning toward something to do with the 2nd amendment (Right to keep and bear arms, An Americans Right, etc.), but not for sure. I'm open for anything else too, not just 2nd amendment references. Thanks for the help!
"Don't Tread on Me"



Second Amendment Supporter

Aim Small Miss small

Do you feel lucky?

One shot, one kill

Burglars will be shot, survivors shot again

Itchy trigger finger
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custos morum "guardian of morals"

virtute et armis "by virtue and arms"

si vis pacem para bellum " if you want peace, prepare for war"

stamus contra malum "we stand against evil"

semper paratus "always ready"
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Some good ones guys! Thanks for the replies and keep them coming. Really digging the hakuna matata....not really. The Toy Box kinda hits home for me cause it has a slight hint of sarcasm and I'm all about humorous sarcasm.
Some good ones guys! Thanks for the replies and keep them coming. Really digging the hakuna matata....not really. The Toy Box kinda hits home for me cause it has a slight hint of sarcasm and I'm all about humorous sarcasm.

Hey man, Hakuna matata means no worries. There aren't any worries in the household with all the guns behind the gun cabinet door hahahaha. I have a 2.5 year old that watches lion king every day lol.

I will try to think of something good.
Hey man, Hakuna matata means no worries. There aren't any worries in the household with all the guns behind the gun cabinet door hahahaha. I have a 2.5 year old that watches lion king every day lol.

I will try to think of something good.

I have an almost 3 year old that just went through her lion king phase. I don't disagree with the statement, just not sure I want to explain it to everyone. Thinking further into that song though, it does work well on the gun cabinet, specifically "it's our problem free, philosophy". Haha
I have an almost 3 year old that just went through her lion king phase. I don't disagree with the statement, just not sure I want to explain it to everyone. Thinking further into that song though, it does work well on the gun cabinet, specifically "it's our problem free, philosophy". Haha

I don't care who you are, that's funny! :way:
Hey dedgeez, you got a latin dictionary at home? I always figured you were Irish-Polish. Not that there's anything wroooong with that.
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