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Looking for some ideas


PMA Member

Here's an overview of my dad's property up in WI. The red line is the approximate border between his and my uncle's. My dad's is on the west side(left). For 2010 our plots will be as follows: Yellow will be corn, bigger green square will be soybeans, blue will be alfalfa, and the smaller green will be a rotation with something in the spring and peas in the fall. The red dots are areas with some apple trees. This is upland ground so there isn't a water source but I'm putting in a water hole on the north edge of the peas/alfalfa. There's a natural low spot there that collects water in the spring. I'm gonna put a lined hole in here where we can get at it to fill it during the summer months.
Soil is rather sandy and well drained. Looking for an option for spring/summer with the small plot.
Also I want to start planting for some screens to help block the neighbors view

I currently have red pines planted to the south of the soybeans but they're only a few years old and I want to speed up the screen. I also plan on planting some shrubs along with these pines to help out. What else would go good here for something soon...egyptian wheat?
To the north of the beans you can see some spotty pines. These have thickened up quite a bit but I'd like to fill in the rest of the area with something to get the deer to bed in. Thought about some shrubs and cedars. Does switchgrass grow in sandy soils? I'd also like to put a strip of something in between the corn and beans to sort of break up the openess of the field and make the deer feel a bit safer so they come out in the light more. The thoughts here were some more pines and shrubs down that strip or some other combination.
The timber around the areas is all hills and we've done some cuts in it that have grown up thick and are used for bedding. The rest is a mix of oaks, maples, and white pine.

Let me know what you all think. I'd like to get started on this come springtime!
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