Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Lots of pics, no animals....


New Member
I recently go the digital Moultrie. Scout I think it is. I put it out the first night, and got a lot of pics. Only problem is, no animals in the pics. I set it up in a fence row facing a corn field. The corn was about 10 yards from the camera. There was also a heavy fog that night. I was wondering. Was it the fog that triggered all the shots, or moving corn from wind? I set it up in a different location, in some woods. I didn't think there were too many saplings with leaves that would trigger the camera, but I got the same result as before. No animals, lots of pics. Glad I didn't use a film cam. Any suggestions on what to do differently to avoid this situation?
I don't know much about your camera, but mine is triggerd by motion and heat. If a deer was walking through the corn rows and the corn is moving I would think it would trigger a pic. Just a thought?
I too have had some problems with the camera taking several consecutive photos of what appears to be absolutely nothing. This has only happened when my camera was facing directly east or west, so I wonder if it has something to do with direct sunlight in the AM or PM. Could that be the problem??
Pont blank...that is a big problem with some of the commercial cams out there, try to avoid facing it directly toward the sun at any point in time during the day. This heat outside will also give you numerous false pics even with a top of the line camera
I found out what was triggering my camera at night. Fireflies. I've got all these bright little "orb" looking things in my pics. I stood out side, and watched my camera go off in the distance last night. I'd watch a firefly fly right by my camera, and Flash!! I went out there and took the camera down. No use in wasting all my battery on danged fireflies.
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