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Lovstuen Buck rescored at 307 5/8



Breaking News . . . No other buck has brought as much attention to Iowa's hunting community as the Lovstuen buck - which was originally scored by a panel assembled by Boone & Crocket measurer Dale Ream and touted as the World's largest buck taken by a hunter. It was entered and excepted by Boone & Crocket at 319 4/8.

Just this week the deer has been once again scored but this time by a measuring panel assembled by the Boone & Crocket Club during it's 25th annual Awards Program in Kansas City. This panel has officially changed the buck's entry to 307 5/8 almost 12" difference from Dale Ream's team of measurer's.

I'm sure the new score of 307 5/8 has created quit a stir and possibly even some hard feelings but it's still as touted "The World's Largest Whitetail taken by a hunter".

Regardless of score it's still the same buck, with the same rack, with the same great story.

With that big of a difference, it's gotta be something more than shrinkage. On a non-typical like that there are bound to be some "judgement calls" about how points are scored. The B&C panel must have scored something differently and that would account for the difference.
I told dirtball 3 months ago that in my opinion the LOVESTUEN BUCK doesn't appear to have as much bone on it's head as the BEATTY BUCK and that i still think the BEATTY BUCK is bigger. although the LOVESTUEN BUCK is still bigger i was somewhat close. but then again i have seen the BEATTY BUCK in person and have not seen the LOVESTUEN BUCK in person, and you need to see deer like this in person to get the full effect on how big they are. so although the LOVESTUEN BUCK scored lower, that doesn't matter, all that matters is that these are 2 magnificent animals and the hunters that took them should be very proud. keep us updated. next year ya'll will be talking about the SPLITG3 BUCK!!!!!!
here we go agian!!!!!!! I know the shed from the Lovstuen buck scores more than the harvested Loustuen buck making it even bigger than it is now.
So since 2 panels scored it so differently it would only be right if a third put together for the final score was assembled and gave it an official "tie-breaker" score......
Typical Dale Ream scenario. Doesn't surprize me abit.., many of us even expected it. Nothing against the buck, just speaking out about the guy that taped it.
This is a perfect example why I like ABGFR records. I know BC and PY are age old standards but why not try to give the animal credit for everything he grew. Now you have one or two people on a panel like this that makes a call on something and it's forever in dought.
Nothing wrong with Dale as a person, I have met him several times and he was extreemly nice every time....same for his brother Joe........about his scoring.....I don't know.

You have to take into consideration these panels change a lot of scores from the previous entry...Zaft, Beaty, Missouri, Hole in the Horn and the list goes on and on.

Knowing now the deer scores 307 drops the bar just a bit for another deer to score higher.....just a thought
Moose, I'm not a fan of BC/PY either. Excuce my ignorance, what is ABGFB? Is that where the rack is submurged in water to measure the total bone mass?

Hunt on All4s
ABGFR. American big game and fish records. I like the idea. I've seen some awesome deer that anyone would be proud to have not score worth a damb because of deductions. Here's a link.


One more note. I'm sure Duane Baumler "Founder, president, and chairman of ABGFR" will be at the rendevous. He was last year explaining ABGFR and scoring trophy's as well.
I was with Doug this last week end, he had "heard" that the KC panel had scored the buck lower, but has as of now not heard any thing offical. As far as Doug, Tony and family, it really makes no difference to them, it is still a trophy to them and they still have the memories of the three year hunt, no matter what the deer scores.
SplitG3 I think you are bias and you support the Beatty Buck because it is from your home state. The Lovstuen buck still has 16 1/4 inches on the Beatty Buck.
I have not been a smart a$$ to you lately and figured I owed you for the comment you had in the post about ticks.
after i went out and chained another big one to the tree so you could shoot him this fall while your up here, this is the thanx i get
does anyone wanna take dirtballs place in his treestand here in ohio this fall?
That is what you get for telling me all that I could bring in the woods is a video camera.
I am not going to make that drive when I can go to a place and video nice bucks that is just a hour away from the house
.You know where I am talking about

I am not going to get into a arguement about the which buck is bigger. Honestly the bucks are so different I don't see how they can be compared to each other. My honest evalutation is this, since I have seen both of them in person. If I had both within in gun or bow range and could I legally can only shoot one buck, I personally would shoot the Beatty buck. I'll tell you why, it has better mass through out the entire rack. Basically just looks more impressive to me, but again that's my opinion. Neither one of the bucks are what I picture in my head of my dream non-typicals. I like those huge typical framed non-typicals, you know the ones with the big 200" typical frames and that have bell size drop-tines on both sides and kickers coming off the bases and tines. That's what I dream of! Everyone is different though, I hope one day to get to see just one buck of either caliber and then give him a patented Baby-G Blood test!
Baby-G, (by the way you need to change your handle now you are a Mathews man...

You mean like this buck...

I absolutely love this rack!

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