Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Luck, but no Luck


Well-Known Member
Went out last night and sat a stand that overlooks a cut cornfield. There is a creek with some trees that I put this stand in. Well, only saw one buck. He was running to the north about 180 yards away. I grunted and stopped him, but he only looked. When I rattled, he shot out like a bolt and never looked back. Must have had a butt whooping already this season. About 1 hour later, had 3 big coons under my stand. Then, I heard crunching leaves. I thought for sure a deer. I turned and a bobcat was walking right at me. She ended up 3 feet from my tree. She walked into the corn and got downwind of me. She instantly looked right at me and off she went. It was really cool!
It is fun to see a puddy cat when out in your stand, they sure will make the deer snort when they show up.
Caught one by the foot a few years ago in a coyote trap, but never had seen one while on stand. I think the population is doing very well lately. Here is my last sighting.
cool picture. Ive seen 3 in the wild...have another on trail cam...and the newest thing that I really havent heard of before is I've almost hit 2 of them while driving too and from the farm this fall.
I let it go. That was a crazy sight to see too. I had a catch pole around it's neck, popped off the trap, then got into the bed of my truck with the very angry cat on the other end of the pole. Once let go, he of course runs under the truck and didn't come out. Finally got enough nerve, pole in hand, to jump out. He was crouched under the front wheel. I quickly jumped in and pulled forward an inch. He shot out the back and ran 100mph into the creek bottom. Very exciting. It was a huge tom, so no doubt I would have been a mess had he shot out at me.
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